How Cookie Man used TagTaste to explore new products ideas?

Snapshot of a journey from product ideation to development.

Arun Tangri
3 min readJul 24, 2019


Source: Unsplash

In the era of millennials, consumers are always looking for something new. It’s a daunting task to keep up with such fast-changing consumer demand.
As a result, companies have started looking outside for creative product ideas that are in sync with their core philosophy while fresh enough to keep their consumers hooked.

Cookie Man is one of the companies that we have worked with to source new product ideas as well as their development.

Cookie Man was launched in India in January 2000. It’s a premium range of cookies made from unique recipes refined over 50 years at an exclusive R&D center in Australia.The cookies are made from the finest ingredients available, ensuring that the products meet stringent global quality and consistency guidelines. Today, Cookie Man is India’s #1 brand of fresh-baked cookies. (Source: Cookie Man)

It started with a simple problem statement…

Can a network of Chefs and food professionals come up with interesting cookie ideas that use the locally procured ingredients, bring some color in an already amazing product line, and be scaled for the size of Cookie Man?

A gourmet get-together

With the above brief, we opened a collaboration on TagTaste inviting interested people to participate in the opportunity. Over 50 Chefs, food professionals, and students applied. Chef Yaduvansh Bahadur Mathur was selected to lead the collaboration from TagTaste side.

Chef Mathur is one of India’s most respected bakery and patisserie chefs. He spent a big part of over four decades of his career with Oberoi’s and ITC Hotels in senior culinary positions.

A further panel of 8 professionals was created from amongst the applicants based on their background to pour in fresh ideas. As a result, 20 quirky & kaleidoscopic mixtures with incredible taste and textures were born. Some of the examples were Matcha — white chocolate, Strawberry — Black Pepper, Apricot — Rosewater — Pistachio, Molasses — Chocolate, Tea Trunk, Salty Double Chocolate Chunk, Chai Spice, Orange Ginger, and Lemon & Thyme.

Samples of the products developed by Chefs

Sensorial Analysis

These samples were taken for sensorial analysis to gauge the preferences and feedback of trained tasters that represented the Cookie Man target audience. Our sensorial analysis records taster’s preference on a 7-point scale. Empirical data suggests that any product with a preference scale of 5.50 and above can be considered for the market launch. 9 out of 20 samples attained those results and hence were selected for further evaluation by the brand and possible market launch.

As the final step of the development process, Chefs transfer the recipe and knowledge to the host company and provide training to the staff whenever required. The companies also engage the professionals for regional as well as seasonal variations of their final products.

The whole process took about a couple of months from start to completion. It was a perfect example of how a network can help in product ideation in ways never imagined before.

Imagine the aroma of a tray coming out of the oven in a bakery in Paris?
There is a certain kind of romance in it, right? (Source: Pexels)

We hope that this freshly baked affair might have given you some food for thought for your products as well. In our future blogs, we will bring similar stories into the world of product creation and food tastings. So, stay tuned!

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Arun Tangri

Entrepreneur, fitness enthusiast, Delhiite and completely in love with life. :)