Introducing the Tapio & Taiga Ambassador Program

Define DeFi
Taiga Protocol
Published in
4 min readMar 17, 2022

Taiga is a parachain agnostic synthetic asset protocol on Kusama. Our mission is to unleash maximum usability for uniform assets on the Kusama ecosystem.

With a diverse group of 36,000+ discord members, we’ve seen an explosive growth in our community. Thousands of Taigans are eager to learn, exchange and participate in our activities, which is why we are excited to announce our new Tapio & Taiga Ambassador Program

Our Ambassadors

We’re on the look for passionate Dotsama and DeFi advocates, our ambassadors are community driven and carry the project above their shoulders. They go out of their way to ensure community members’ questions are answered while demonstrating their expertise in the subject matter.

The Tapio & Taiga Ambassador Program is organized in two tiers :

Senior Ambassador

Senior Ambassadors are project experts working closely with the team and overseeing the program — they are responsible for mentoring ambassadors and ensuring the community’s needs on our official Discord are met. They report directly to our community management team and help us understand our community’s needs. Responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring campaign deliverables are finished on time
  • Enforcing community management best practices among the ambassadors
  • Monitor progress towards community milestones
  • Resolve disputes within the community
  • Gather and compile feedback from the community
  • Act as consultants within the Taiga Team and leverage community feedback to improve the community management, product and overall user experience.


Ambassadors are educated on the protocol and hold all the information about ongoing events. They assist Senior Ambassadors and the team to complete tasks across our community channels, answer community questions, make sure all members are educated and informed, and help with ongoing campaigns. Responsibilities include:

  • Execute campaign specific tasks
  • Replying to community questions and resolving their issues
  • Discuss with the community daily to animate the discord and understand the community sentiment
  • Help with specific deliverables
  • Spread the word about Taiga/Tapio in DeFi communities and grow the community
  • Relay educational brand content created by the team to make sure all members of the discord are educated and in the know about the product and any ongoing campaigns/Initiatives

All of our ambassadors share a common passion for DeFi, Web3 and Dotsama ecosystem. We strive to become experts in the subject matter and thoroughly advocate the Tapio and Taiga product suite. We are spread across timezones to support our community around the clock.


Ambassadors are kept in the loop and receive insights on product development at an early stage, they discuss with the team on a daily basis and help us improve ourselves and our products based on community feedback.

For this and many other reasons — our Ambassadors are highly valued members of our community and are compensated with $TAI tokens and other amazing perks :

  1. You will be rewarded with Taiga’s native token(TAI); rewards scale with your participation.
  2. For outstanding community initiatives, we offer bonus tokens depending on the event’s success.
  3. Receive our project merch — represent Taiga and Tapio IRL!
  4. Exclusive voice chats with the team to discuss the ecosystem, the product and anything De-Fi to nurture ideas, gather feedback and improve.
  5. Once Tapio is launched, Ambassadors will also receive Tapio’s native token(TAP) as part of a scaling monthly remuneration.

What Ambassadors do

We’re looking forward to speaking with qualified candidates from various backgrounds. Some of the things you can help us with include:

Community Moderation

  • Help grow the Tapio & Taiga community by ensuring that official community channels are always active, informative, productive and provide a safe and welcoming place for the community to come together
  • Answering community questions
  • Collecting and compiling data
  • Overseeing community activities
  • Gathering community insights and feedback


  • Translations of our content/blog posts/documentation
  • Create use case guides and tutorials in different languages
  • Write blog posts and articles about Tapio & Taiga’s assets and ecosystem
  • Help create videos showcasing Tapio & Taiga’s assets and value proposition
  • Design creatives, including graphics, presentations, and memes

Events and Meetups

  • Organize and host online/local events for Tapio & Taiga
  • Identifying virtual and/or IRL Web3 & DeFi enthusiasts recruiting them to the Tapio & Taiga community

The Selection Process

“May the best Ambassador win !”

We will reach out to selected candidates and proceed to a second round where they’ll be interviewed by the team. Once the second round is complete, we’ll have our initial list of ambassadors.

Once our interviews are completed, we will decide on our first cohort. The cohort will go through a two-week test period, where they will be allowed to demonstrate their enthusiasm and skill as an Ambassador. Once a candidate passes the two-week test period, we will officially induct them as a Senior Ambassador/Ambassador. We will begin to reward them for their activities — helping Tapio & Taiga grow!

If you didn’t make the cut this time — don’t give up and remember we are in a growing ecosystem. Being an ambassador is a mindset and all community members should strive to be product experts and help educate/inform new members.

👉 Apply now 👈

About Tapio & Taiga

Tapio is a synthetic asset protocol enabling efficient liquidity for uniform assets on Polkadot. It is designed to mitigate liquidity silos by synthesizing different formats of assets into a highly usable synthetic asset in the Polkadot ecosystem. Taiga is an experimental protocol on Kusama and the sister project of Tapio.

Tapio officially started in early 2021 when we received the Web3 Foundation Open Grant and the inaugural Acala Ecosystem Grant. Our team is composed of engineers, financiers, security experts and serial entrepreneurs based in Canada, China and the U.S.

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