Introducing hiring challenges: A reliable and fast way to hire talent

Carlos Mendes
Published in
5 min readJan 20, 2022

Attracting, validating, and hiring talent are not easy tasks. In fact, it’s one of the biggest challenges human resources departments face.

In the last decade, due to globalization and changes in the labor market, it has been increasingly easy to recruit people from anywhere in the world.

However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s easier to attract talent, quite the opposite.

How to attract top talent: Community comes first 🥇

Let’s face it. The traditional hiring process is time-consuming, outdated, and inefficient.

That’s why we’re thrilled to announce that we’ve developed a new assessment tool that rewards top talent: hiring challenges!

In such a competitive market, it is difficult for companies to distance themselves from other competitors.

At TAIKAI we believe that candidates should be rewarded for their hard work and commitment to delivering the top-quality projects that you expect in your recruitment process.

Hence, we developed an “apply-to-earn” reward system that will give KAI Tokens (our own cryptocurrency) to the best talent and projects that move forward in your recruiting process.

This will provide an extra boost to motivate candidates into delivering their best effort during the hiring application, even if they don’t get the vacancy.

We value the power of a community. And we have more than 50,000 innovators from STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) at your disposal.

The current problem with recruitment processes 🤷

You can probably relate to some of the most common setbacks human resources face during a hiring process:

1. It’s time-consuming

The recruitment process takes, on average, 36 days.

2. Requires the involvement of other departments

Which in turn, makes the process slower and inefficient.

3. It’s hard to attract top talent candidates

Lowering the quality output provided by your business.

Furthermore, neglecting to assess a candidate’s skills might lead to future disengagement and dissatisfaction, both on the employer and employee sides.

This, in turn, can lead to workers quitting their jobs early. Recruiting a new person for the same position, rather than retaining them, means spending, on average, 33% more of an employee’s annual salary.

This has a huge take on the teams involved and can cause delays in projects and deadlines, as well as a negative impact on the company’s culture.

Recruiting a new employee also requires another session of onboarding and starting the learning curve all over again.

Can a hiring challenge overcome those problems?

Most definitely. If you’re growing your business quickly, you also need a fast, but reliable approach to recruiting the best talent out there.

A hiring challenge is a step in the hiring process that’s designed to validate a candidate’s hard and soft skills.

Simply described, it is a test for applicants to assess their qualifications, core skills, and commitment to the position for which they are applying.

Depending on the needs of the recruiter, this test may consist of multiple steps. It can also be employed for a variety of careers such as software engineering, human resources, marketing, product management, and even sales, to name a few.

Our hackathon-based approach

Hackathons are coding competitions where programmers collaborate to solve problems and find solutions. At TAIKAI, we’ve already organized hackathons for major corporations such as Microsoft, Pfizer, and Nissan.

It makes perfect sense to use hackathons as the foundation of the hiring challenge.

Hackathons are short-duration events, with compelling challenges and rewards for the winners. They fundamentally have a similar design to a hiring challenge, but with a different concept in mind.

We noticed the potential of adapting hackathons to the recruitment process so, we leveraged our expertise in the industry and built a tool that helps HR managers speed up the hiring process.

Why should I use a hiring challenge?

One of the reasons we advocate hiring challenges so much is because of the many benefits it has.

✅ Reliable assessment. Validating the best talent will streamline the process and help you make faster recruitment decisions. You’ll discover their strengths by putting their hard and soft skills to the test.

✅ Less time to review CVs. You don’t have to go over every candidate’s resume. The hiring challenge serves as the initial filter; you can analyze the CVs later when the pool of candidates has lowered. Based on our previous experience, you can save one week of work just in CV screening.

✅ It’s not discriminatory. The entire process is focused on the applicant’s skills and not on age, gender or race.

✅ Less engagement from other departments. When you need to involve other departments, it creates chokepoints in the process.

Hiring challenges seek to reduce the involvement of other departments in order to streamline recruiting.

How does a hiring challenge work?

Unlike a conventional recruitment process, a hiring challenge gives you more flexibility to recruit and validate talent. Not all open positions are the same, so why should your hiring process be?

Here are the basic steps to get a hiring challenge off the ground:

1. Create a challenge

The first step is to design a challenge for the role you’re recruiting for. You can make it as simple or complex as you wish to, just keep in mind that it should align with the candidate profile you’re looking for.

2. Share it

You can also share the challenge page on social networks, recruitment websites, and anywhere else you need to.

3. Evaluation of submitted projects

You can invite key team members from other departments to validate the best projects.

4. Interview with filtered candidates

The best profiles move on to the first interview. At this stage, the first interview pool is significantly lower compared to traditional hiring processes, given that you’ve already made a solid assessment of potential candidates.

5. Final interview

6. Hire the best talent!

Hiring challenge features 📝

User-friendly and simple, but powerful tool

Our platform is intuitive and the interface is simple. The focus is all on the challenge. No distractions.

Customizable solution

You can use the hiring challenge as a stand-alone platform or as an add-on solution for a live hiring process. It can easily integrate with other platforms and ATS.

Keep track of the best talent

We’ve also been there. There’s only one open position, but you have two or three exceptional candidates. In our platform, we keep a history of the best candidates that didn’t move forward in your process, so you can refer back to them later if needed.

Fast implementation

You can use our hiring challenge templates or talk with our specialists to design a solution for your recruitment process.

The job market has changed, and so has the recruiting process. We feel that hiring challenges are far more than just a simple test. It’s a new way to validate talent and attract the top professionals to your business.

Try out our hiring challenge tool, for free!

We are offering a one-month free trial (for one hiring position). If you’d like to try out our tool, feel free to contact us!

