Improving an Existing React Codebase with Better Redux State Management — Part 3

Marty Jones
Published in
4 min readOct 16, 2019


This is part three in a three part series. Be sure to check out parts one and two!

In the first part of this series, I covered the idea of proposing a new way for Tailwind to manage React state. This would involve changing Tailwind’s codebase to use modern React concepts — action creators, modular reducers with combineReducers(), connected components with connect(), etc.

In part two, I covered the process of proposing this idea to the broader Tailwind engineering team, including gathering feedback and getting buy-in.

Once the team bought into the idea of using the new pattern, the only item left was to actually begin to implement the new pattern in the codebase. My process for doing so took place in 3 steps:

  1. Open a small, focused Pull Request
  2. Get PR feedback, then merge and deploy the change
  3. Document the change for future developers to work off of

Let’s look at these steps in depth.

1. Open a Small, Focused Pull Request

I wanted the first working example of this new Redux pattern to be a small, simple proof-of-concept in the codebase.

With those constraints in mind, I landed on a simple component that we expose to Tailwind members, which allows them to insert Emojis into the caption of their posts.

Tailwind’s emoji picker

The emoji picker is built with React, using Emoji Mart, but the post caption text box is built in the jQuery portion of Tailwind’s app. Meaning that when the user selects an emoji to insert into a post caption, the React app has to trigger a call to the jQuery app, using the global window object — e.g. window.PostDescriptions.insertEmojiIntoPostCaption(...).

As far as the React app is concerned, this is an external call — I.E. a call to the outside world. Seems like a good candidate for an action creator.

The React app needs to call to a method that exists in the jQuery app, in our PostDescriptions module, called insertEmojiIntoPostCaption. React will invoke this method, passing the arguments needed for the method to insert an emoji into the post caption at a specific character index, like so:

Inside of the Emoji Picker component, the code looks like this:

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {addEmojiToPostCaption} from '../actions/emoji-picker';
// Action Creator to an add emoji to a post caption that exists in Tailwind the jQuery app:
const addEmojiToDescription = (postId, emojiUnicode, caretLocation) => {
return dispatch => {
// Add emoji to caption
window.PostDescriptions.insertEmojiIntoPostCaption(postId, emojiUnicode, caretLocation);
// Inform react state that the emoji was added
dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.ADD_EMOJI });
// Emoji Picker Reusable Component
class EmojiPicker extends Component {

addEmojiToPostCaption = (emoji) => {

render () {
return (
<div className='emoji-picker'>
// Connect the component to `addEmojiToDescription` action creator,
// so that it's available as a prop:
const mapDispatchToProps = {
// Note: Since this emoji picker doesn't need much from Redux state,
// We're using `null` where we would normally use `mapStateToProps`:
const ConnectedEmojiPicker = connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)(EmojiPicker);

That’s it! This PR was intentionally as small as possible so that it was easier to solicit reviews and get it deployed.

2. Get PR feedback; merge and deploy the change

I used the normal PR guidelines that we use at Tailwind for merging this React + Redux PR:

  1. Open a Pull Request
  2. Perform a self evaluation of the PR, fixing any issues you spot and leaving comments that will make ambiguities clear to future reviewers
  3. Request review from a couple of people on the team

Using that strategy, I requested review from two people on the team who are intimately familiar with React, who were able to weigh-in and provide some minor feedback.

After that, I merged and deployed the new Emoji Picker into production.

3. Documenting the Change for Others

Now that the new Redux pattern exists in a working way in the Tailwind codebase, it was important to cement the knowledge of how to use it in our codebase. We have an internal Tailwind Engineering Book, to which I added some code examples:

By doing so, anyone on the team who wants to use the new Redux pattern has one place where they can look to find working examples in our codebase.

Since making the Emoji Picker change, I’ve added a few more working examples of the new Redux pattern to the codebase. Each time I did so, I put those examples in the Tailwind Engineering Book, so that it’s a robust reference covering different Redux use-cases.

As you can see, it didn’t take much actual code to implement the Redux change covered in part one of this series. The process of making the change was much more about:

  1. Determining whether the change made sense for Tailwind.
  2. Getting buy-in from the team.
  3. Documenting the new pattern in such a way that others can use it in the future.

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