Crosslink 2019 Taiwan 活動議程影片上線囉!Day 1 — 主議程

Phini Yang
Taipei Ethereum Meetup
1 min readNov 5, 2019

10/19 與 10/20 號兩天總共 30 多個議程的錄影影片已經上傳至 Youtube 頻道上囉。亦可配合現場文字記錄夥伴的文章一起搭配著看,也歡迎你加入我們的 Telegram 活動群組,跟有參加活動同好者一同討論。

另外,也請大家幫忙填寫活動後問卷調查,我們會將這些建議加進 2020 年活動規劃中,讓活動方向能更符合大家想學習的方向與形式。

填寫問券調查留下建議就享有 Crosslink 2020 活動票券「九折」優惠。(早鳥票期間也能享有九折優惠唷。)

Vitalik Buterin | Data Availability Proof

延伸閱讀:Data Availability on Ethereum 2.0 Light Node by Kimi Wu

Danny Ryan | Ethereum 2.0


文字紀錄 By Frank Lee

What’s New in Ethereum Serenity (2.0) By Kimi Wu
Two-way bridges between eth1 and eth on ethresearch

Bun Hsu | LibraBridge: Connect Libra with Ethereum

延伸閱讀:文字紀錄 By Andy Lin

Mel Gelderman | Pioneer a financial life on Ethereum with a non-custodial banking replacement


文字紀錄 By 田少谷

AZTEC 保密傳輸協議 — Devcon5 見聞 By Yuren Ju

Ping Chen | Design pattern: build your first profitable DApp and smart contract

延伸閱讀:文字紀錄 By 小島

Han Verstraete | The tangent of code and law: Spin up legal containers on blockchain in 1 second for 1 dollar (DAI)

[Panel] Developer Community Building: Challenges and Experience Sharing

Tim Hsu | Private key security and protection

延伸閱讀:文字紀錄 By 洪偉捷

Luis Cuende | Using DAOs to fundraise for your project


文字紀錄 By Juin Chiu

Introducing Aragon Fundraising by Aragon Offical


