How to Make MyEtherWallet Account?

마이이더월렛 만들기

TAITOSS Official Blog
4 min readApr 20, 2018


ANNOUNCEMENT: The TAITOSS Coin 1st PreSale starts on April 30, 2018 at 12PM (GMT+9) and will end on May 12, 2018, 12PM (GMT+9).

Our pre-sale is right around the corner, and since TAITOSS receives contributions only in ETH , today we wanted to share a way to make MyEtherWallet (MEW) account.

First, you should insert ‘myetherwallet’ in a search engine you are comfortable with (or 마이이더월릿 in Korean) and follow the first link. search / search
Make sure that the URL bar is green and the URL is correct.

We strongly recommend you reading the official introduction pop-up at the website. After you’re done, you can proceed to create your own MEW.
If English is not your native language, you can change it to your preferred language as shown here ↓ . We chose Korean :)

MEW language change

Now you should enter your password. Please choose a password you can remember well as you will need it later to unlock your wallet.

Wallet creation

Download your key file. Follow the steps below :

  • 1) Download Keystore File / Keystore 파일 다운로드
  • 2) Make sure that you have downloaded the file / 다운로드 받았는지 확인해주세요
  • 3) Press ‘I understand. Continue’ / ‘I understand. Continue’ 누르세요
Keystore file download / Keystore 파일 다운로드

Next, you have to save the generated Private Key somewhere safe, like copying it to MS Word file, and print out your paper wallet.

Save your Private key and print it out

Now lets unlock your MEW wallet. Among the options on the left choose “Private Key”, paste your private key and click “Unlock”.

Unlocking the MEW Wallet

Or you can use the Keystore file you have downloaded earlier like so ↓ .

  • Choose ‘Keystore / JSON File’ / ‘Keystore / JSON File’ 고르세요
  • Click ‘Select Wallet File’ / ‘지갑 파일 선택하기’ 누르세요
  • Choose the file you have downloaded earlier / 조금 전에 다운로드 받은 파일 선택해주세요
  • Enter your password you used to create your wallet / 월릿 만들기 위해 입력하신 비밀번호 입력해주세요
  • Click Unlock / ‘잠금 해제’ 누르세요

Now your wallet is all set!
All you are left to do is to save your Account Address / 계정 주소 to the same place where you keep your private key.

Now that your wallet is ready for use, you can send your tokens using the same procedure in Send Ether & Tokens / 이더리움 & 토큰 전송 tab. All you need is the address of the receiver.



TAITOSS Official Blog

Starting from personalized travel advice up to payments, TAITOSS becomes one-stop solution for all travelers by implementing Blockchain and AI technology!