
Lydia • Lee Chi Lu
Lydia on the way
Published in
4 min readOct 21, 2020


在此我以過往慣用的 Amazing Talker 平台為例,提供實用的前置溝通的英語對話內容,給初學者直接溝通使用,讓你與線上語言教師更效率互動~(若您的英語程度已經很不錯了,此篇文章可能不適合你的需求喲)

在文章開始之前,歡迎點擊以下連結,搶先獲得 20 美元抵用券👉


清楚地自我介紹、說明來意,並且提示重要 deadline

Hello (老師名稱) Nice to meet you! My name is (自己的名稱)I hope to improve my English speaking skills because I’m going to take an IELTS exam before the end of this month.


I’ve taken English classes in Taiwan for around two months and will end soon. I know how the exam will go through.


Currently what I need is simply practicing different topics in IELTS speaking and keep warming up for myself.


Would you tell me more about your teaching style?


What can I expect from your class?


I’m thinking about taking a class of 50 mins so that I can go through the three parts of IETLS speaking. I would like to make it (特定時間 ex. next Tuesday)

結尾彩蛋 — 向老師爭取優惠的小技巧


Do you offer trial special price?

以 Amazing Talker 而言,一堂課體驗課時間為 25 分鐘且僅限一次,而完整課程標準時間為 50 分鐘,但如果你有特別需求,希望多上一些 25 分鐘的課程,有的老師其實也願意另外報價給你。因此可詢問:

Regarding ( 特定原因,例如:my limited time, tight schedule), could you offer me more 25-mins courses ?

以上,希望上述的介紹能對想要提升語文能力的朋友有一點幫助,如有疑問與建議也歡迎留言讓我知道~請不吝於左下方點選「拍手」給予鼓勵~ 謝謝:)

點擊以下連結,獲得 20 美元抵用券👉




Lydia • Lee Chi Lu
Lydia on the way

Taiwanese • mountain & sea • solo traveler • 台灣人,喜愛山與海。出走,一兩人或一群人都好。