TWYCC Speak Up for More Inclusive Net Zero Transition in COP27

During an official COP27 side event, our delegate joined as a panel speaker to share Taiwan’s experience on climate education and empowerment.

The side event ‘Climate Education: Empowering Youth and Adults with Knowledge and Skills for a Sustainable Future’ was co-hosted by four environment NGOs to discuss ‘links between climate education and opportunities from primary through adult education for civic engagement, economic opportunity, and just transitions.’ on 14 Nov in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.

Jia-Yi Lin, the project manager of the International Affairs Team, showcased TWYCC’s experience in climate education and empowerment, including our climate education project, youth networking project, and our participation in the policy-making process.

‘Along with other environmental NGOs in Taiwan, we have shared our idea and come up with a proposal for the amendment of the previous GHG emission reduction management act in recent years,’ Lin said.

The Taiwanese government had released a roadmap to achieve its pledge of 2050 net zero. The ongoing amendment of the ‘Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act’ aims to make net zero a legally binding target and prepare legal instruments to support the transition.

Lin believes youth’s contributions are essential to advance sustainability for the future. ‘The more the youth are engaged in the transitional process, the better we can prepare ourselves for our sustainable vision. So, when we join the labour market, we can become a “bridge” to a sustainable future and accelerate the transition of the industries,’ Lin said.

‘We need to leave nobody behind for a climate and generational justice future.’ Lin added.

You can watch the event playback via the following link:

Author: Shun-Te Wang



Shun-Te Wang
TWYCC Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition(台灣青年氣候聯盟)

A biologist / geographer who aims to facilitate the sustainability transition as a ‘CATALYST’.