TWYCC speaks at the EU-Taiwan Climate Action Week

Photo credit: EETO Facebook

TWYCC’s International Affairs Team was invited to speak at the “EU-Taiwan Youth Climate Forum: Building a Greener Future”, hosted by the European Economic and Trade Office in Taiwan on September 14, 2022.

As a part of the EU’s “European Year of Youth”, the one-day event aims to highlight the importance of youth to build a greener future. The keynote speaker, David Steinke of EU DG CLIMA, addressed the importance of youth engagement in EU’s climate policies, including “The European Green Deal” and “Fit to 55”, saying “about one-third of the 800 European Climate Pact Ambassadors are youths.”

Andrew Wang, a member of TWYCC’s International Affairs Team, shared the past experiences of TWYCC in climate action and discussed some challenges and opportunities of youth taking climate action. Andrew said that although Taiwan’s public awareness had raised in recent years, climate change is still a difficult topic to communicate, as the stakeholders involved are too many. Youth, as the next generation, should present their own perspective on climate issues and advocate for them, but at the same time we should also learn as much as we can the concerns from the relevant stakeholders to help solve the climate problems that affect us all — a challenging task on an already difficult problem, but at the same time also a valuable opportunity to for us to learn and grow.

As COP27 approaches, the International Affairs team of TWYCC had been invited to a couple of international events. Our members will take advantage of these speaking opportunities to prepare for the upcoming climate conference.

Authors: Shun-Te Wang and Andrew Wang



Shun-Te Wang
TWYCC Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition(台灣青年氣候聯盟)

A biologist / geographer who aims to facilitate the sustainability transition as a ‘CATALYST’.