Drama Production: ‘Maui te Tupua’

Toby Te Anini o Rongo Westrupp
Tai Wānanga
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2018

The reknowned polynesian ancestor, and Māori demigod, was the context and subject of our teacher lead junior PBL. Teacher lead PBLs provides a safe learning environment for guiding new students through the PBL process and developing new skills and competencies.

There were four main phases to the PBL.

Planning Phase: Writing of script and creative planning session with staff

Pitch Proposal Phase: Video launch and student workshops

Production Phase: Co-construction of goals, creative workshops, mind mapping of ideas, utilisation of external expertise, costume making, set design, stage and prop construction, poster creation, marketing design, research and rehearsals

Presentation Phase: Showtime. 2 matinee shows and 1 evening show

Project Overview:

  1. To create a drama production sharing the legendary quests of Māori demigod ‘Maui te Tupua’.
  2. Students were grouped according to their strengths and interests. The main roles were marketing, set-design, lighting and sound, stage crew, costumes and make-up, choreography and dance, acting, music and soundscape.
  3. To present Maui te Tupua to a live audience.
Promotional video for ‘Maui Te Tupua’ Production



Toby Te Anini o Rongo Westrupp
Tai Wānanga

Toby Westrupp is the establishment principal of Tai Wānanga a multi-sited secondary school of designated character in New Zealand.