The UK’s future skills-based immigration system, Dec 2018
文章為 2018 年 12 月,2019 年 4 月可能會有更明確的消息,幾個重點摘要如下:
A. 未來歐盟員工也需要 sponsorship 申請簽證
翻譯: 歐盟和其他國家的求職者,平起平坐,也需要 sponsorship 申請簽證,所以台灣工作者比之前更有機會喔。
16. At present, we have a dual system of admitting only highly skilled workers from outside the EU, and workers of all skill levels from the EU. We will replace this with a single route which gives access to highly skilled and skilled workers from all countries. Those coming to the UK on this route will need an employer to sponsor them…
20. The new system will need to be accessible to the large number of businesses, particularly smaller enterprises, that have previously been able to hire migrant labour from the EU, without needing to engage with the existing sponsorship requirements.
B. 取消工作簽配額限制
18. As recommended by the MAC, we will not impose a cap on the numbers of skilled workers, to ensure the brightest and best who wish to come to the UK may do so, ….
C. 取消 labour market test
翻譯:不用再 Po 職缺到求職網 28 天,留面試記錄等,降低工作簽難度。
19. …we will therefore no longer require employers of skilled migrants to carry out a resident labour market test as a condition of sponsoring a worker.
D. 二至三週可辦好工作簽
21. …To maintain the UK’s competitive edge in attracting international talent, we are committed to minimising the time it takes to hire a skilled migrant and aim to process the great majority of work visas within two to three weeks.
E. 低風險國家,有機會在英國境內辦工作簽,不用再出境入境。
22. To support labour market flexibility, we propose that nationals of the lowest risk countries will be able to apply for a work visa in the UK. Therefore, these individuals will not be required to leave the UK and make return journeys to make their applications. …
F. 工資門檻可能為 £30,000,會再與企業和雇主討論確認。
13. The MAC recommended retaining the minimum salary threshold at £30,000 and we will engage businesses and employers as to what salary threshold should be set.
A. 大學、研究所學生,畢業後簽證可延長半年,博士生可一年,以利找工作。
35. …by offering six months’ post-study leave to all master’s students, and bachelor’s students studying at an institution with degree awarding powers — giving them more time to find permanent skilled work and to work temporarily during that period. Those who have completed a PhD will have a year.
B. 學士以上學生,可以在課程結束前三週,或是畢業後兩年內轉工作簽。
36. We will also allow for students studying at bachelor’s level or above to be able to apply to switch into the skilled workers route up to three months before the end of their course in the UK, and from outside of the UK for two years after their graduation.