Blockchain and artificial intelligence: an innovative approach for predictive analysis of visitors in an amusement park.

Andrea Belvedere
Published in
5 min readSep 11, 2023

The present study illustrates the implementation of an innovative system for predictive analysis of visitors in an amusement park, using a combination of advanced technologies: blockchain and artificial intelligence. This intelligent solution allows for the collection of accurate data on park access, analyzing them in real-time to provide forecasts on public flow on specific days.

Through the use of personalized bracelets equipped with RFID technology, each visitor is uniquely identified, automatically recording their park access, purchases, and activities attended. This data is encrypted and immutably stored on the blockchain, ensuring security and privacy protection.

RFID technology enables the insertion of a unique identifying serial code (TID — Transponder IDentification) inside RFID tags. This code provides a certain identification system, preventing data forgery. In cases where RFID tags are used for access control or payment services, the associated data of the holder is personal and encrypted, ensuring the privacy protection of users.

What is RFID? — Quora

The blockchain plays a fundamental role in the system, enabling the secure and transparent transfer of relevant data. Every time a visitor enters the park or makes a transaction, such as a purchase or access to a specific area, the information is recorded on the blockchain. This process guarantees certain traceability of activities and prevents any attempts at data manipulation or fraud.

The integration of RFID and blockchain offers numerous advantages.

The integration of RFID and blockchain offers numerous advantages, including fast and efficient identification of people and objects, controlled access only by authorized entities, and certain traceability of activities that prevents fraud and manipulation.

RFID for Blockchain | NXP Semiconductors

“The transfer of data on the blockchain occurs using Takamaka, which offers low-cost operations, ensuring fast and secure insertion. This solution allows for cost optimization, as transactions can be carried out with very low fees.”

Predictive Approach for Optimizing the Experience in the Amusement Park

Assuming that artificial intelligence can process data from visitor access to the amusement park, it could also provide a comprehensive overview of real-time information. This information could include the number of accesses per hour, people flow, and attendance at specific times of the day. It could accurately detect people’s preferences within the park area, such as the most frequented spa areas, restaurants, bars, saunas, hot pools, etc.

Now, let’s assume that AI can compare weather data from the past 10 years, provided by the local weather service, with the data of people’s access to the amusement park.

AI can compare dates

This comparison could enable artificial intelligence to identify the periods of the year when park access occurs more frequently based on weather conditions (e.g., during hot summer periods, humid days, or rainy days, etc.). Using these comparative pieces of information, AI could offer predictions and insights based on the comparison of data from these two data sources.

Essentially, artificial intelligence could utilize the processing of amusement park access data and historical weather data to provide predictive information and suggestions based on identified trends.

Artificial intelligence plays a key role in data analysis. The machine learning algorithm trained using historical data of visitor access and weather conditions from the last 10 years can provide predictions and insights based on identified patterns.

For example, artificial intelligence could detect that on hot and humid summer days, there is higher footfall in areas with pools and water attractions, or that on rainy days, outdoor attractions experience reduced visits.

“This could enable the park to make informed decisions regarding activity organization, resource management, and offering optimized services for visitors, taking into account seasonal preferences and weather conditions.”

Here is an example of how Python could be used to predictively process data and weather forecasts for an amusement park.

Through the use of Python, an example of code shows how historical data on visitor access and weather conditions can be used to train a linear regression ML model and obtain predictions on attendance based on known weather conditions.

import pandas as pd

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

# Caricamento dei dati storici degli accessi al parco

accessi_df = pd.read_csv(‘dati_accessi.csv’)

# Caricamento dei dati storici delle condizioni meteo

meteo_df = pd.read_csv(‘dati_meteo.csv’)

# Unione dei dati accessi e meteo in base alla data

merged_df = pd.merge(accessi_df, meteo_df, on=’data’)

# Preparazione dei dati per l’addestramento del modello di regressione lineare

X = merged_df[[‘temperatura’, ‘umidita’, ‘precipitazioni’]]

y = merged_df[‘accessi’]

# Addestramento del modello di regressione lineare

modello = LinearRegression(), y)

# Ottenere le previsioni per una data con dati meteo noti

data_previsione = pd.DataFrame({‘temperatura’: [28], ‘umidita’: [70], ‘precipitazioni’: [0]})

previsione_accessi = modello.predict(data_previsione)

print(“Previsto numero di accessi:”, previsione_accessi)

Results of the case study, here’s what we aim to achieve

Thanks to this solution, the amusement park can make informed decisions regarding activity organization, resource management, and offering optimized services, taking into account seasonal preferences and weather conditions.

For example, if the algorithm predicts a peak in attendance during the weekend, the park can take measures to manage the crowd flow and ensure optimal service.

This study demonstrates the potential of the technological mix between blockchain and regenerative artificial intelligence for predictive analysis of amusement park visitors. This innovative solution opens up new opportunities to improve operational efficiency, optimize resources, and provide an engaging experience for visitors.

The integration of these technologies represents a significant step forward in the entertainment industry and paves the way for further developments and future applications.


