Blockchain and quantum computers: Takamaka introduces QTS technology to protect transactions

Andrea Belvedere
Published in
3 min readMar 24, 2023
Takamaka includes a quantum-resistant implementation, known as QTS

Takamaka Blockchain: Quantum-Safe Security

Everyday modern computers have evolved since the 1600s. The first computers were mechanical and were used to perform addition and subtraction. Over the years, the computing power of computers has grown exponentially, thanks to the increase in the number of transistors on chips.

However, while classical computers use binary bits that can be either 0 or 1, quantum computers use qubits that can be 0, 1, or a superposition of the two states. This means that qubits can represent more detailed information than binary bits.

Quantum computers can exploit a property of quantum mechanics called “entanglement” to connect qubits together, so the behavior of one qubit can influence that of another qubit, even if they are separated by large distances. This characteristic could enable quantum computers to process information faster than classical computers.


Blockchain may no longer be secure against potential attacks by quantum computers, as the current encryption system could easily be decrypted by such devices. However, the use of a form of quantum encryption could make the blockchain resistant to these attacks.

To avoid this risk, the use of a form of encryption that is immune to attacks by quantum computers is being considered. This could further increase the security and reliability of the blockchain for transactions and have important implications for the security of online transactions and the development of new technologies.


Takamaka includes a quantum-resistant implementation, known as QTS (Quantum-resistant Transaction System).

This system is designed to protect blockchain transaction and network information from quantum computer attacks that exploit weak encryption algorithms to decipher sensitive information.

Takamaka’s QTS technology uses the SPHINCS-256 digital signature algorithm, which is designed to be resistant to such attacks. QTS uses the SHA-3 hashing algorithm, which was chosen by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as the standard for hash encryption after a public selection competition.

Takamaka has developed a solution called “Quantum-Safe Key Management” (QKM) to protect network participants’ private keys from decoding by quantum computers. QKM uses the NTRU encryption algorithm, designed specifically to be resistant to this type of attack.

NTRU offers theoretical security against any cryptographic attacks and requires fewer computational resources than other asymmetric encryption algorithms, making it particularly suitable for mobile and low-power applications.

Takamaka is a technology that has implemented specific solutions to ensure quantum safety, providing an additional level of security to blockchain networks.


A quantum-safe blockchain could be used in various sectors, such as finance, healthcare, logistics, and energy management.

The QSafe technology ensures the protection of sensitive data, financial transactions, medical records, and personal information. This becomes particularly important in contexts where data security is critical.

In general, the adoption of a quantum-safe blockchain can lead to a significant increase in security and data protection, ensuring greater reliability and flow management in public and private sectors.

Stay in touch with Takamaka, visit the website, follow social media for updates, and study our code on GitHub.

