Takamaka SDK “Android Sdk Guide”

Team Takamaka
Published in
Nov 10, 2020

To approach new technologies and design prototypes for applications, programmers must not only plan and analyze results in a specific programming language but also fully understand the tools needed to develop applications in that specific language.

Takamaka is pleased to announce the release of the complete documentation: “Android SDK Guide”.

Android SDK Guide is the Takamaka SDK for Android applications (AiliA SA), a Software Development Kit available for free: it’s a set of tools needed to create customized mobile applications fully connected to the Takamaka blockchain.

Android SDK Guide provides companies and developers with appropriate documentation and functionality, according to the following specifications:

  • Easy to use;
  • Complete documentation;
  • No negative impact on CPU, battery or data consumption on mobile devices;
  • Good interaction with other SDKs.

The SDK tools, available on GitHub, include libraries, documentation, code examples, processes and implementation guides.
You can check the complete documentation at this link: https://github.com/takamaka-dev/TakamakaSDK

Explore and analyze all features here: https://cdn.takamaka.dev/androidsdkdocs/javadocSdk.html

