Getting Started with Azure Custom Vision
Microsoft has a wide variety of APIs available for you to integrate computer vision quickly and easily into your project! This is perfect for hackathons where you have a time crunch, but want a sprinkle of computer vision in your project. This blog will focus on the custom vision API.
If you’re a student, you can get $100 of Azure credits for free with no credit card down! (Microsoft isn’t sponsoring me — I just use their APIs a lot in hackathons!)
Last week, I participated in the HackXplore: Healthcase and AI hackathon with my teammates: Irene Lin, Jennifer Xu and Vivian Xu. We ended up winning 1st place for our app, E.L.S.A. (Early Leukocoria Spotting App)!
Our project aimed to detect leukocoria (a symptom of retinoblastoma and other serious eye diseases) in photos of young children to aid in early detection and treatment.
The key technology that we used was Microsoft’s Custom Vision API. Since leukocoria is quite rare, we created our own dataset to train our machine learning model. Scouring Google Images for sad photos of children with leukocoria was probably the most difficult part, because accessing the API was fairly easy! Hopefully this tutorial will help you use this awesome time-saving API at your next hackathon!
You can find the completed code at
Step 1: Set up the project
Visit and sign in with your Azure account
You can name your project anything you like, but the Project Type should be Object Detection and Domains should be General. This is because we want to detect whether or not we see eyes with leukocoria in the images.
Step 2: Add and tag images
Click on the “Add images” button and add the images that you want to put in your dataset. For this project, I just googled “Leukocoria” and went through the image results. If you’re having trouble finding a large enough dataset, you can mirror and rotate existing images to grow your collection of images.
Now, highlight the eyes with leukocoria by clicking and dragging to create a bounding box. Here, I’ve labelled eyes as L (leukocoria) and N (non-leukocoria).
Repeat this process until you have at least 15 of each kind of eye (15 is the bare minimum that the Custom Vision API will accept. You will probably need over 100 tagged eyes of each type to get a decently accurate model).
Step 3: Train your model
Once you have a sizable training set, click on the “Train” button to train your model. This might take a few minutes, depending on the number of training images you have.
After training, you should get this page (under the “Performance” tab) that tells you the details of how your model is performing.
Step 4: Try your predictions
Now that you’ve trained your model, you can test out its performance on test images, straight from the Custom Vision interface. Click on “Quick Test” to pull up the testing window
Enter an image URL or upload an image to see the magic!
Step 5: Write a script to access your predictions
For this section, you will need to have python installed on your computer.
5a) Get your Keys and IDs
Now that you have your model trained, it’s time to start writing a python script to access this data! Let’s start off with setting our access keys and query information. You will need the endpoint and prediction ID.
To get your keys and IDs, click on “Prediction URL”.
Keep a note of all the information in the “If you have an image URL” section.
In the code below, I extracted the project ID and iteration ID to make it easier to replace later, but you could just keep the endpoint as it is displayed in the window.
project_id = ‘922a5f49-caba-4765–9c93-f477802076ef’iteration_id = ‘319f3179–6b76–4c44-bfee-2703f527d34d’prediction_key = ‘0cda307794064acca38bb0f860932935’endpoint = ‘{0}/url?iterationId={1}'.format(project_id, iteration_id)
5b) Set up your headers and body for the HTTP request
# HTTP request to send to the API
headers = {
# Request headers
'Prediction-Key': prediction_key,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'}#Gets the first argument as the url of the picture to process
body = {'url' : sys.argv[1]}
5c) Send the request
The code below has a try-except block in case the HTTP request fails for any reason. It also has a sleep statement so that we don’t try to access the data before it’s ready (there are other ways to do that, but this was the shortest way).
#Try sending the image to the CV API
print('Getting response...')
response = requests.request('POST ', endpoint, json=body, data=None, headers=headers) #2__ is the success status code
if not str(response.status_code).startswith("2"):
parsed = json.loads(response.text)
print ("Error:" + str(response.status_code))
#It will take a little bit of time to load so just make the user wait
# Contains the JSON data. The following formats the JSON data for display.
parsed = json.loads(response.text)
predictions = parsed['predictions']
eye1, eye2 = categorize_eyes(predictions)
print(report_diagnosis(eye1, eye2)) #Catch any exceptions that might happen
except Exception as e:
I wrote some code to take the bounding boxes with the highest confidence ratings and return which eye might have Leukocoria, based on the tags and their confidence levels (categorize_eyes(predictions)).
report_diagnosis(eye1, eye2) tells you if the left or right eye is affected.
I won’t be going into detail on that code because it’s not , but it’s found in
5d) Run the script!
Now all you have to do is open up command line and run the script by giving it an image URL.
Hope that tutorial helped make computer vision a little bit more accessible!