Erotic image by Samarel Eros

4 some sex vacation

The sex memories of Crissy


Like every year, my husband and I met our best friends for a week during the summer. We took turns planning the trip and choosing the destination. Last year had been our turn, and we had chosen the mystical lands of Ireland. This year, our friends chose a week of fun and sun in the Hawaiian Islands.

We arrived on a Friday afternoon and would stay until the following Saturday. Our private rental home sat off the sand of a private beach. Here, we would have everything we needed if we wanted to stay close and relax, but not to far from the nightlife.

Mike and Cat picked us up from the private land strip as the jet touched down. We greeted one another with hugs and kisses. Inside the limo, we popped open a bottle of champagne and got the vacation started. Mike and my husband Brent had attended the same university together, remained friends throughout the years of law school, and then moved to different law firms in different cities. I met Cat six years ago when Mike had proposed to her, and we had our first couple vacation. They visited our home throughout the year, just as we did theirs. Cat and I had become great friends. Talking at least once a week on the phone.

While Mike and Brent talked, Cat and I discussed the island on which we were staying. They had arrived early the day before and had already found great spots for us to visit.

Brent refilled my glass after leaning over and giving me a quick, soft kiss. The one thing I loved about my husband was that no matter what was going on, he never forgot about me. He always ran a hand over me, kissed my lips, or petted me in some way. No matter who was close or watching,. He had no problem with open displays of affection.

Arriving at the house, we went to our room to unpack. As I unpacked the suitcases, Brent laid back on the bed and watched. I shared what Cat had told me about the underground caves and caverns the locals had told her about. I couldn’t wait until we could get out and scuba dive.

Noticing my husband had gone, I turned back towards the bed. He watched me with intense eyes as he stroked himself through the fabric of his slacks. I smiled and walked slowly toward the bed.

“Starting without me?” I teased standing at the foot of the bed.

“You are so beautiful. I love to watch you. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing. Even hanging up clothes. You are just so sexy.” He told him as he continued to brush his erection.

My heart fluttered with his soft words, and I knew my face was blushing. Brent always had the right words. I would never have any doubt about how much he loved me.

“Take off your shirt for me, baby.” He told me as he spread his legs out on top of the sheets. He had removed his shoes and socks and rolled up his sleeves.

I took in my man. Lying stretched out with his back against the headboard,. His black slacks were still pressed, and his white shirt was pressed against the muscles of his chest. Just looking at him made my body throb. I reached down and pulled the hem of my cotton sleeveless shirt up and over my head. The pale pink landed on the white carpet, and I kicked it away.

“Now your skirt.”

I slowly undid the wrap-around skirt I had chosen for the trip and let it flow to the carpet before kicking it aside. I stood at the foot of the bed in just my peach lace bra and barley peach panties.

He groaned as he started to undo the buttons on his shirt. “Cup your breasts.”

My nipples were already hard as I took both full breasts in my hands. I squeezed before running my middle finger over the hard nubs. I could feel my own arousal start to dampen my panties.

“That’s it.” He removed his shirt, and I licked my lips as the muscles of his chest and arms flexed. I loved this man's body. Tanned, hard, and muscular, my tongue wished to taste him. “Pinch them.”

I pinched my nipples between my fingers, pulling, making them harder.

“Strip for me.” I watched his hands unzip his pants, and I reached around and undid the clasp of my bra. Shrugging my shoulder, I let it fall to the ground on its own. Then, with one more look at him, I turned around and started to remove my panties. I bent at the waist and pulled the wet material down my legs.

I heard the catch of his breath before the rustle of his pants was removed. Turning back around, I hungrily took in his naked body as he took in mine. We knew each other's bodies better than our own.

I trailed my hand down my neck, circled one nipple, down my stomach, to my bare mound. Spreading my legs, I ran a finger over my clit before tracing the weeping folds.

I spread my own liquid over myself as I teased the lips. He continued to stroke himself, watching as I ran my fingers over my quivering body.

“Yes. Come here, baby.”

I climbed up the bed, letting my breasts sway as I mage myself slowly to him. He spread his legs wide, and I crawled between them. Once I was close enough, I covered his hand with mine. “Let me.”

He nodded his head, and I sent him a wicked smile before leaning down and licking the tip of his cock. I licked the precum that had already leaked out before taking him fully into my mouth.

We both moaned as I took him in deep and sucked.

“Yes.” He groaned, his hand finding the back of my hair. I had left my dark brown hair down today, and it fell past the middle of my back.

I bobbed my head, taking him in and out, swirling my tongue around the tip before sucking him fully back in. I was able to take him deep into my throat and massage him just the way he liked.

His hips pumped up as he held my head to his, so he was fucking my mouth as I sucked.

“Yes. That’s it. Take me deeper.” He commanded pushing harder and faster inside.

I moaned as I felt liquid escape my own body and run down the inside of my thighs.

With both hands now in my hair, he pumped up over and over at a torturous pace.

When he pulled out, I quickly reached for him again. But he was faster; grabbing my hands, he pulled me up and over his body. Our mouths met in a demanding and brutal kiss. Our tongues rubbed and sucked as I teased his body with mine.

Breaking the kiss, he moved to my neck as I straddled him. He chuckled before grabbing my hips and pushing me up. At the same time, he moved quickly under him.

I was now straddling his face instead of his thighs, and he teased me with a lone lick of his tongue over my soaking lips. I cried out, pressing against his mouth.

But he had his own plans. Holding my thighs apart, he ran his tongue over the lips before taking my clit into his mouth. My head fell back as my hips moved on their own. Licking and nibbling, he teased my most sensitive part before using his thumbs to part me. He stabbed his tongue inside, and again I cried out my delight. He fucked me with his tongue as I rode his face. I grabbed my breasts, squeezed, and pulled, bringing myself closer to the climax I felt was coming.

Hearing a sound, I looked up to the mirror above the headboard and met Cat’s wide eyes as she looked in through the crack in the door. I wasn’t sure if I had left it cracked open or if she had unknowingly opened it to check on us.

I had to admit I didn’t care. As my orgasms ripped through my body, I closed my eyes and rode out my release, rubbing myself on my husband.

As Brent lifted my hips up and moved up the head of the bed, I once again looked back to the mirror. A second body was there, and I saw hands on her breasts, kneading the flesh.

Holding my hips over him, my husband started to lower me down over his erection. Looking in the mirror, I met Cat’s eyes as I slammed myself down.

My husband's cock filled me. Holding me down to him, I felt my body adjust to his length and girth. Reaching up, he let go of my hips and cupped my heavy breasts. I started to ride him slowly. Hands on his chest, I rocked and moved up and down his hard shaft. My eyes found his, and I saw he was looking to the left of us. I knew he had noticed our audience. When his eyes met mine, I saw the hunger and savage lust that matched mine. He was just as turned on as I was at being watched.

I quickened the pace, slamming myself down harder and faster while riding the cock that was buried so deep inside me. I couldn’t help looking back in the mirror. Cat’s head was against Mike’s shoulder. Her dress pulled down, exposing her perky, creamy breasts as she played with her own nipples. Her eyes are still watching us.

I noticed her dress also up around her waist and leaning forward to ride Brent faster. I saw Mike behind her, plunging inside, keeping pace with me.

I went wild. Slamming back down and up. I took short strokes as I brought myself to a second climax. From the noises behind me, I knew Cat was just as close as I was.

Brent grabbed my hips once again as he bucked under me. Then, with a quick pinch of my clit I exploded. Screaming out his name, a powerful rush went through my body, and as Brent grunted under me, I felt him fill me with his seed.

I had collapsed onto my husband’s chest, and when I finally had enough strength to sit up and look over my shoulder, we were once again alone.

I felt my husband’s hand on my chin as he brought my eyes back around to meet his. “Was it okay?"

I knew he wasn’t asking about our lovemaking and didn’t pretend either. But I wasn’t sure how to explain how hot it had been. I didn’t mind Oh no, I didn’t mind at all.”

“Anna?” He asked softly.

“Everything’s okay.”

His thumb caressed my cheek. “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

“I’m not uncomfortable.” I told him quickly. I realized I might have said it a little to quickly when he chuckled.

“How did it make you feel?”

I had dropped my eyes on his chest. I looked up and into the crystal blue eyes I knew so well. “It was hot.” I said quietly.

He leaned up, his mouth covering mine as he wrapped his arms around me. “I love you. I don’t think you could be any more perfect.”

My heart swelled, and I kissed him back. “I love you too.”

"Well, let’s find out what’s for dinner. I’m starving.” He said, giving my ass a quick slap.

I laughed and climbed off of him.

After redressing, we found Mike and Cat in the kitchen. Cat might my eyes before quickly looking away. I knew I needed to talk to her to let her know everything was okay, but now wasn’t the time.

The four of us shared a bottle of wine as we prepared dinner. Cat kept glancing at me from the corner of her eye, and I wanted to reassure her, but the guys never left us alone.

We ate out on the deck. The cool night air had only a hint of a breeze, and after a few tense moments of silence, we fell into easy conversation. We didn’t talk about anything important, just the latest news, movies, and plans for the week. It wasn’t until the table was cleared and we opened the third bottle of wine that Mike cleared his throat.

Cat looked up at him, and he reached out a hand to her. She took his hand, and he looked over to us.

“I guess we should explain or apologize, or I don’t know." He trailed off.

I felt Brent’s arm go around the back of my chair. “We’ve been friends a long time.” He said conversationally. Mike nodded, a deep blush going up his neck to his face.

“Anna and I don’t trust anyone like we do the two of you.” He continued.

I watched Cat drop her head and couldn’t stand it. “We didn’t mind!” I exclaimed. Then I clamped a hand over my mouth.

Brent laughed as Mike and Cat looked over at me. “Well okay. As I was trying to say, we trust the two of you. And while we have never had that experience with anyone, we were glad it was with the two of you.”

“It will be awkward now.” Cat finally spoke up.

“Only if we let it.” I told her, reaching over and laying my hand over her and Mike’s.

She met my eyes and smiled. I returned her smile. Her deep brown eyes were warming, and I felt a shiver through my body. Confused, I leaned back in my chair.

I felt Brent’s stare and turned and looked at him.

His eyes were shining with mischief.

“It was just beautiful. The two of you together.” Cat told us.

I looked at her again. She was always beautiful. With black hair that she kept tied back from her face. But for the first time in my life, I was attracted to another woman. I looked back at my husband, and I saw that he was watching us. His hand under the table was once again rubbing over an erection.

I had a feeling he knew what was going on in my head when he smiled. I looked over at Mike, and his expression matched Brent’s. I noticed his hand was also under the table.

I wondered what his cock looked like. Was it as gorgeous as my husband? I shook my head, not believing where my thoughts were. Embarrassed, I looked over at Cat and was surprised to find her gaze on my breasts. I felt my nipple harden under her stare and had the unbelievable urge to caress hem in front of her.

When she noticed me watching her, she blushed again. “There must be something in the air.” She quickly stood.

“Cat.” I softly called out to her.

Brent stood and held out a hand to me. “I have an idea.” I stood after taking his hand. “Let’s go into the living room.”

I sensed more than I heard Mike and Cat follow us inside. The living room was right inside the open door, with a big leather couch, soft carpet, and a homey feel.

Brent moved the coffee table out of the way before sitting in the middle of the room. He reached out a hand for me, and I moved to sit between his legs.

“The way I figure it, we opened something between the four of us.”

Both Cat and Mike nodded.

“I say the only way we can move on is to explore it.”

I saw Mike and Cat exchange looks before he stepped forward and sat on the carpet also.

“I’m nervous.” Cat said, still standing.

“Me too," I admitted.

She took a deep breath and sat next to her husband.

“We are four adults in loving and responsible relationships. We are sexually active and sexually attracted to one another. With this door now open, I think we should take advantage.”

“You mean…” I started, but trailed off.

“We explore this.”

Cat licked her lips, and I felt my pussy tighten.

“We need rules or something.” Mike said. “That way, no one gets hurt from this.”

Brent nodded. “No one does anything they don’t want to or that makes them uncomfortable.”

Everyone nodded.

“Anyone else who is uncomfortable with a situation also is to speak up.”

“I agree," I said. Mike and Cat quickly seconded.

I felt my heart thumping in my chest. Brent’s hands had moved up and were moving up and down my side. Cat’s eyes followed the movement.

Mike’s followed those of his wife.

I leaned back into my husband as his hand moved up and cupped my breast through my shirt.

“Who wants to start?” Brent teased my breasts through the fabric.

“Can I?” Cat asked tentatively.

“Please.” Brent encouraged.

She looked over to her husband, who nodded. The bulge in his pants was just as obvious as the one against my lower

Cat moved onto her knees before making her way in front of me. Kneeling between my legs, she reached over and cupped my breasts over my husband’s hands.

I arched my back, filling her small hands with more of me. I felt Brent’s hands move away and around my back before my shirt was lifted. He quickly removed the shirt and my bra, leaving me bare from the waist up.
Cat’s eyes widened, and I felt my nipples harden even more. She didn’t disappoint, leaning over and taking one into her mouth. I moaned at the heat and wetness of her mouth as she sucked. My hands went to the back of her head as she teased with the tip of her tongue, flicking it over and over.

I felt Brent move from behind me, using my shoulders to lay me down. Cat moved with us, her body covering mine. As her mouth moved to my other breast, I wrapped my legs around her, rubbing core to core. She moaned at the friction I was causing.

My hands moved down her back, and I pressed her closer to me. I felt my hands cover mine and looked up to see Mike kneeling behind her. He pulled her dress up and over her head, exposing her to me. She either didn’t wear panties or hadn’t put any on after the earlier ordeal. Brent was on my right side, and he pulled off my skirt as Mike undressed Cat.

When we were both fully naked, we just stopped and took in each other’s bodies. Brent leaned down and took my mouth. I kissed him back almost feverishly as his hands once again returned to my breasts. I didn’t know whose they were, and I didn’t care. I moaned into my husband’s mouth and arched my back.

When Brent moved away, another mouth was there. I found myself kissing another woman. Cat’s lips are softer than my husband's. Her kiss was more exploratory but quickly turned passionate.

My tongue wrestled with hers, and my hands moved to her breasts. For the first time in my life, I had another pair of soft mounds to play with. When Cat moaned into my mouth, I felt it through my body as it throbbed. She lowered herself onto me once again.

Her mouth moved from mine as she moved down my neck, nibbling on my chin. Once again, she played with my breasts before moving a wet trail down my stomach.

“I want to taste you. My god, I can’t believe I’m saying it, but I want to lick your pussy.”

I heard Mike moan behind her and knew it was from arousal. I looked at my husband. He had removed his shirt and undone his pants leaving his cock standing out.

“Whatever you want, baby.” He told me, and I watched his cock twitch.

I grabbed Cat’s head. Pulling her up for a forceful kiss. Then I pushed her between my legs. The first lick was small, but she immediately did it again. My hips bucked, and I felt my hands push them open further. I looked up at Mike as he pushed my thighs apart. He had also removed his clothes, his erection bobbled, and he kneeled. He wasn’t as long as my husband, but he was bigger around.

I looked back at Brent and watched as he stroked himself. I wanted to watch him, but Cat had gotten past her nervousness and was fully buried in my pussy.

When she added a finger to her tongue torture, I cried out. She moved her finger in and out of my hot, wet core, my hips moving in rhythm with her as she fingerfucked me.

Her lips closed over my clit and as she sucked it into her mouth, she added a second finger. I exploded, holding her head to me as I moved my hips and relentlessly fucked her mouth and fingers. Making her lap up the juice that flowed from me.

By the time I came down, she was kissing the inside of my thighs, and both men were almost desperately jacking themselves off.

I pulled Cat up by her hair and licked her lips. When she opened it for me, I ran my tongue over hers, tasting myself. Then I gently pushed her back.

She was spread out before me like a Christmas present. Before moving on to her, I turned my head and kissed my husband. He grabbed my hair and yanked my head back roughly, causing me to cry out. He was on the edge of control.

Breaking the kiss, I licked his lips before speaking. “I want to fuck her with my tongue.”

He groaned, and his hand returned to his cock. I put my hand over his, stopping him.

Brent looked at me with pleading eyes. He needed to cum.

“Will you fuck my pussy as I make her scream and cum into my mouth?”

All three of them moaned at my words. I knew my husband would be even more turned on by more words, and obviously so were Mike and Cat.

“Yes. Oh God, baby, I want to fuck you so bad.” Brent panted out.
I leaned down and swiped his length with my tongue. I looked back over at Cat, and she was smiling at us. She tilted her head back toward her husband.

“Mike.” She purred.

Mike grunted, his hand still moving quickly over his shaft.

“Fuck my mouth while I fuck her tongue.”

I thought Mike was going to cum right there, but with a savage cry, he let his cock go.

He looked over at me and smiled. “Make my little cunt cum.”

I licked my lips. “My pleasure.”

Cat remained open to me as I lay between her thighs. I played with her lips, coating her as she quivered at my touch. The first lick was over her sweet lips, tasting her for the first time. She moaned and pressed into me.
I put a finger on her clit and, pressing down, circled it. She bucked under me, and I saw her thighs shaking. I felt Brent move behind me. He pushed my face down to her pussy and I spread her open before flicking my tongue up and down.

Cat was speaking, but I couldn’t understand what she was saying.

Brent placed one hand on my lower back as he wrapped the other arm around my waist, lifting my hips up to him. I entered a finger inside Cat along with my tongue.

I looked up, adding a second finger as Mike straddled her shoulders.

I nipped her thigh before returning my full efforts to her hot pussy. She must have done something to Mike because I heard him groan before he quickened his pace, his cock entering her mouth over and over.

I had two fingers inside her, sucking on her clit when I felt Brent at the entrance of my own sex. He plunged inside, holding my hips, going deep all the way to my womb on the first stroke.

I sucked Cat harder into me, my fingers thrusting in and out faster as Brent pulled out and slammed harder into me. I cried out with Cat still in my mouth, and she screamed her release around Mike. I didn’t stop. I fucked her faster with my fingers as I licked up her juices.

Brent rode me like he had never before. It was almost brutal as he slammed into me over and over. I climaxed fast, causing me to slightly bite down on Cat, which made her find her second release.

My second orgasm hit before the first was over, and Brent thrust into me. I lifted my head and screamed. The sound mixed with Brent’s grunt of release, Mike’s groan, and Cat’s cry.

We all collapsed where we could. A tangle of arms and legs, not caring who was lying on what body part. With my body still tingling and feeling more relaxed than it had ever been, I started to giggle.

Cat's soft laughter followed, and I heard the guys trying to hold back there own. Soon, our laughter filled the room as we sat back and looked at one another.

Catching my breath, I looked at my husband and then at our best friends. “We need to start taking more than one vacation a year.”

“Oh yes!” Cat exclaimed before flopping back down. “I vote once a month.”

Brent leaned over and kissed me. “Whatever you want, my wife.”

Closing my eyes, I snuggled into his body.

“This is the best vacation ever.” I said dreamily.

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Hm Samarel
Take My Wife — Please!

"Great minds fuck alike." I am an artist/editor of erotica. Find me on Amazon: