A Hotwife’s Filthy Bar Hookup

“Look, just so you know, I’m married and have permission to play. This is just for one night.”

Lacey Cross
Take My Wife — Please!
10 min readJan 1, 2024


photo from depositphotos

I’m not sure why I’m going to the club tonight — I’m not really a clubbing person when I’m on my own — but all day something in my head has been nagging at me that I should go. My husband is on a work trip, and it’s a popular Friday night hangout spot for people looking for one-night stands — which I tell myself I’m not looking for, even though my husband suggested I go out and have some fun and tell him about it afterwards.

As soon as I walk through the door, I spot the reason I’m here — and I didn’t even know it. He’s sitting at a table all alone, and when I meet his gaze, my heart hammers in my chest. He’s possibly the sexiest guy I’ve ever laid eyes on. He’s in his early 40s, and his broad shoulders and defined muscles are evident through his tailored suit. His dark hair is styled in a messy yet irresistible way, and his face is lined with maturity and experience — making him even more alluring.

The dimly lit club surrounds us as the music thumps in my ears. I can feel a flush creep up my neck as my body tingles with energy. I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself as I slink towards him.



Lacey Cross
Take My Wife — Please!

Lacey Cross is an author with over 100 books. Her stories emphasize the pleasure found from the wife embracing multiple men.