A Year in Denial

Brian O'Connell
Take My Wife — Please!
9 min readSep 4, 2020
Photo credit: author

9 October 2018

Dear Brian

I hope you are well today. I’m doing fine and so is your wife. She gave me an excellent deepthroat blow job this morning. It’s a great way to start the day! I’ll fuck her later. She’s getting close to ovulating, so I hope this month I’ll be able to plant my seed in her at the right time.

I expect you have transferred the €1000 to my account this week. I will check my bank later to make sure it’s arrived.

All the best,


If you have never felt you have dropped off the edge of normality then you’ve lived a far more sensible life than mine. My mother used to admonish me regularly about the sort of woman I should choose as my wife and, of course, I never listened to a word she said. In fact, I chose the polar opposite of the sensible woman my mother wanted me to wed. To put it into even more graphic terms, I married a woman who gave me the clap the first time I made love to her.

That’s one of those anecdotes we don’t share when people ask us how we met. Our romantic stroll to the college clinic is not something we share readily. Nor do I tell my colleagues that my wife probably had over a hundred lovers before we married and a few dozen after our wedding. My wife likes to refer to herself as a libertine which is a very refined term for slut.

Our marriage has not been easy, but we have made it through ten years, although that has involved numerous moves to escape the waves of scandal she has instigated. Throughout it all, I have remained faithful, much to the merriment of those who know what really goes on in our relationship.

Rosemary has never worked since she graduated. Her degree in art appreciation hasn’t led to a great number of career opportunities. I have been the breadwinner which is something that I have never resented. Anyone who would take a cursory look at our relationship would instantly recognize that there’s a self-destructive element to it, at least on my part. An entirety of men would have walked away years ago. I haven’t for two reasons: my wife is an addiction I can’t escape, and we have a wonderful daughter I adore.

Rosemary has certainly never lacked confidence, both in her looks and intelligence. She is a natural blonde with a slim body, pert breasts and a perfectly symmetrical face set off with deep blue eyes. Her sexuality is barely hidden and highlighted by a natural fashion style that is both bohemian and sophisticated.

In comparison, I have to present myself professionally every day so it’s suits and ties for me. Even on the weekend I tend to dress conservatively. I’m often told I’m handsome, but I don’t have the same inherent confidence in myself that Rosemary has. I’m also naturally shy which is often mistaken for aloofness by some. My wife and I are both 30 years old, but she looks as young as the day I met her while I am already beginning to grey at the temples. I do keep myself in shape and can easily fit in the same clothes I wore in college.

There’s a sexual mismatch in our marriage that is as big as the Grand Canyon. It’s not that I can’t satisfy her. That’s a cliché that is prominent in most cuckold stories, but it conflicts with our reality. The honest truth is that she is bored senseless with me sexually. Rosemary has been bored with me sexually for almost the entirety of our relationship. She craves newness. She comes alive when she has a new lover.

That makes for a marriage where my wife’s happiness is predicated on the success of her extramarital adventures. It’s been that way since almost day one. If Rosemary doesn’t have a new lover, our sex life is nonexistent and, if she has a new lover and he demands exclusivity, then the situation is hopeless. Thankfully, that’s only happened a few times.

12 November 2018

Dear Brian

Please make sure you pay George on time this week. He was furious about the delay last week. Remember, it is now 1200€ a week.



That brings the story up to the predicament I am in now, which all began last August when I agreed to meet Rosemary and George at the Hofbrauhaus in the Old Town of Munich. I am the chief engineer for one of the many companies around Bavaria that make up the Mittlestand, the backbone of manufacturing for Germany. Since I arrived in my job I have successfully turned around production so my salary was doubled and I was signed on to a full five year contract. It’s highly unusual for an American to be in senior management of a German company. That brings increased scrutiny on both my professional and personal life. Being married to Rosemary makes that problematic.

I had no idea who George was before I arrived at the beer hall but I did notice my wife with a tall blonde man who had his arm around her. His smug look told me what I had already suspected: he was her newest lover. I wondered if he had any idea how many had preceded him both before and after our marriage. I was sure he was clueless because Rosemary is normally keeps her past sexual dalliances to herself. I didn’t greet the two when I sat down. I didn’t feel up to feigning friendship with my wife or her new lover.

Once again, I was put in the humiliating position, as I had often been put into in the past of knowingly being cuckolded and feeling that inevitable sense of inferiority to a man who was enjoying all my wife had to offer and knowing that he was giving her something I was incapable of providing myself.

My sexual life had been reduced to almost literally picking up the scraps my wife deigned to offer in between her affairs when she surrendered herself completely to lover after lover. When Rosemary is infatuated with a man she worships him and surrenders all her control. I had seen it time and time again. I keep hoping against hope that the future will be different. As I said, my wife is an addiction.

26 December 2018

Dear Brian

Thanks for the holiday payment. We arrived in Cape Town last night and I fucked your wife as she was bent over on the hotel balcony right after we unpacked. I have a good feeling that I might have seeded her then and there. We had quite an audience! I think I’ll make that a regular nightly show! The new tattoo I designed for her ass was very popular. It’s an ownership thing. She begged me for it. I hope you understand. She asked me to tell you to double her payment because she wants to buy me a few things whilst we are here. All the best, George

“Why don’t you go to the bar and get a glass of wine while your husband and I have a little talk,” said George to my wife who dutifully scooted out of the booth and left us alone. “We have some business to discuss, Brian. I’m not here just to tell you what a good fuck your wife is, I’m sure you’ve heard that too often before. I’m here to strike a deal with you,”

”What makes you think I have any intention whatsoever of doing a deal with you,” I replied. “You seem to be getting what you want already.”

That’s when George took a business card out of his shirt pocket and slid it across the table to me. I picked it up, turned it over and recognized it as the calling card for my boss, the chairman of my company. That sent a wave of premonition through me.

“That’s my father,” George said. “I’m sure he would love to know who I am fucking regularly now and what she tells me of how you speak of him behind his back. I would think that would be cause for the termination of your contract and, if you know anything about my father, retribution is his middle name. Your career would be ruined. Your wife is used to the good life you provide. Do you honestly think she would stay married to a New York waiter? Because that would be your likely career option if I chose to have a private conversation with my dad.”

That’s when my thin sense of normality fell off a cliff. I had spoken disparagingly of George’s father to my wife but one never expects those conversations to be revealed. I could feel the sweat on my brow and my hands beginning to tremble.

”What do you want?” I asked. “How can we resolve this? I’m not upset you are having an affair with my wife. I’m happy you are making her happy.”

“I’ll take temporary ownership of your wife, during which time you will compensate me well for fucking her,” George said with a smug smile. “She’s a dirty slut, which is just the type of woman I like, not to marry, like an idiot, but to use for a while. To avoid potential embarrassment, you’ll pay the rent for our new apartment in Salzburg and a weekly stipend. I may extend the agreement beyond a year or I may send her back early to you carrying my child, which is what she wants. If that’s the case, then you’ll add another member to your family, albeit with different genes. I’m sure you’ll be an excellent father for my child. You’re already an excellent doormat for your wife. She’s off her birth control already. I allowed her to stop that after she begged me to.”

I sat in silence, thinking of some solution other that what he had proposed. In the meantime, Rosemary joined us at the table and sat across from me. I could see her left hand was on George’s crotch. That is the hand her wedding ring is on.

“Are you aware of why George brought me here and what he wants from me?” I asked Rosemary with a note of desperation in my voice. “I can’t believe you would go along with this.”

“Really?” my wife replied calmly with a look of feigned innocence. “This was my idea. It’s only for a year, or less if George is as virile as he claims. After that, I will promise to try to be a good wife. Either I come back to you in 12 months or you get a new blonde baby to raise and, for all purposes, nobody but George and I will know it isn’t yours. Please just do this to make me happy.”

I didn’t respond. I felt an awful sense of abject disappointment. I simply nodded my head in the affirmative and started to get up to leave.

“Not so fast, Brian,” Rosemary said. “Take out your wallet and hand your cash over to George. He wants to take me out to a nice dinner to celebrate our new arrangement. You can hurry home and take care of our daughter. Tell her mommy will be gone for a while but I am probably coming back with a brother or sister for her. I’ll send over our address in Salzburg tomorrow so you can ship my things.”

I took out my wallet and put all the cash, probably around €500, and put it on the table, too embarrassed to even meet George’s gaze. He never thanked me before I got up to leave.

3 August 2019

Dear Brian

False alarm. The test came back negative. I’ll keep trying, though. She’ll be ovulating again soon.

I heard through my father you got a raise. Good man! We’ll be needing €2000 a week from now. Thank you for sharing the wealth, and your wife! All the best, George.

20 August 2019

Dear Brian

I know the year is up but I want to keep trying so please bear with me a bit longer. George wants a baby now just as much as I do but he’s promised he will not interfere with our life and let you raise it. I am going to the gynecologist just to check if everything is working. I’ll need €1000 today.



15 October 2019

Dear Brian

I had the sonogram today and it’s a boy, so please paint the nursery blue for little George. Speaking of which, he called his father and broke the news. He is over the moon. I talked to him on the phone too and he wants to thank you especially for being so understanding and helping to make it happen. I guess George told his dad about me over a year ago. It will be his first grandchild so we are celebrating next week at your office with champagne for all. You might get another raise!

By the way, he wants to introduce me to George’s brother after the baby is born.

I know this isn’t the right time to bring this up but George has a real hangup about us having sex while his baby is inside me. Don’t worry, I told him you would understand and be patient. I think it’s better that we deal with this issue now and not bring it up again.

I’ll let you know what time my train arrives at Central Station. You’ve been so understanding about this. Thanks so much for letting me do this. George agrees with me that there aren’t enough men like you around.



