Beach bound | part 1

Hm Samarel
Take My Wife — Please!
9 min readJan 25, 2024


The Group-Sex life of Gertrud revealed to Samarel Eros

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh….. a weekend just for the girls at the beach. Can Friday possibly take any longer to get here? I peel off my teacher clothes, put on a comfy yoga outfit, and drag out the luggage.

Knowing we are going for a spa weekend with sun and sand is just what I need right now. I pack the essential beach wardrobe and feel satisfied, looking forward to a facial massage, lots of tequila, and perhaps the promise of so much more. Tomorrow can’t come soon enough.

We meet in the President's Club at the airport. Kisses are exchanged over champagne as the obligatory passport checks are made. “Yes, yes, I have everything I need. Relax.” We smile at each other and continue laughing and planning our short but well-deserved weekend. We both jump up and grab our purses as they call our flight. My heart is racing—part champagne, part nerves. I can’t quite figure out the right time to tell Scarlett that I have extended an invitation to a friend. The invitation came through a simple text. OMG OMG OMG Did I really hit send? SHIT!

……. 120,000 miles will get you a first-class ticket to me for the weekend. St. Regis San Jose Del Cabo ………….Friday 10–24–10–26. Can’t wait to taste you. xxoo ………..

Flipping through the sent items on my phone before powering off for the flight confirms that said text was sent.

The flight was a blur. I remember watching some dumbass movies and looking at rag mags with Scarlett. She asked me again and again if I was feeling OK. I tried to assure her that all was well; I was just ready to feel sand in my toes. I was thinking of him...

We finally made it through the madness of customs and transfers, arriving on property. The crystal blue water is mesmerizing. It pulls me closer. It calls me to come closer and get my feet wet. I try to push it back. “WAIT!!!…….” I tell myself. A silent smile creeps up. Knowing. Watching. Waiting. I am scanning. Looking for him... My senses are alive in this foreign country. Imagine my surprise when the concierge comes up to me and hands me a note. Tiny shockwaves pulse through me as I read. “Bienveniedos, my wet princess. You have a hot stone massage scheduled in 30 minutes. Better hurry *spank*.” I walk, numb, to the room with my friend. *I have to tell her!* repeats in my head. We reach our bungalow with gorgeous views.

I haphazardly unpack, dying to race over to the spa. "Sister... are you ready for the first spa treatment of the weekend?” I ask. I try to persuade her to move it, but she is bent on getting settled into the room. I begin tapping my foot, as only a princess can. She smiles at me and tells me to go on…We will meet up after. *smiles* I’m out...

I check in at the front desk of the spa and am very pleased to find out that I do, in fact, have a treatment on the books. I go into the depths of the spa and put my things into the locker, slipping into the standard plush white robe and slippers. I make my way to the waiting area, and I ease myself into the whirlpool. The hot water envelopes me. I close my eyes and begin to relax. I am amazed at how the sheer anticipation has left me wet and wanting. The door opens, and my name is called. I raise myself out of the water and follow the woman into a low-lit room that smells of lavender. She smiles and instructs me to remove my robe and lay face down on the table. She steps out, and I stretch out. *Breathe* I can’t help but wonder why this is not a room with 2 massage tables in it. I got a note telling me to be here!?! I continue to breathe and eventually close my eyes. I gently smile as I hear her enter the room. I keep my eyes closed and listen to the preparation sounds going on around me. I hear her uncap a bottle of oil and dispense some into her hands. I hear her rubbing her hands together to warm the oil. I hear her breathe herself just as her hands hit my skin. "Mmmm," I can’t help it. I hear her picking up hot rocks. I flinch as the hot stone touches my skin.

The oil makes it so easy to slide... down, down, from my shoulder blade... to the length of my back... over my ass, down my hamstring and calf, across the bottom of my foot, and into my toe. ahhhhhhhhh sheer pleasure. I have experienced this four times, and I feel a jolt in my core as a new hand touches me. It is a very gentle touch, but heavy and powerful. I fling my eyes open and deadlock eyes with him, kneeling to my left. Our eyes hold the gaze long enough for me to realize I have a wave of arousal probably dripping over my clit as I stare. “Baby…” I start to say, but the pressure your hand commanded made me stop in my tracks. I feel you stand up, your hand never leaving my backside. I smile as I loose sight of you, but I continue to feel your touch.

The water has me in a trance. The low sunset is casting beautiful shadows on my skin.

I am lost, looking at the ocean, when he slips in behind me and slips his hands under my breasts. I gasp and turn to see him. He pulls me tight and finds the perfect spot from behind, and I feel his cock begin to grow between the cheeks of my ass. His hands wrap around to pinch my nipples as he begins kissing my shoulders, which sets off an internal alarm. I move into him and offer more of my neck to him. He kisses me all the way around until I turn to meet his eyes, kissing him hard and deep.

Hellos are whispered as we continue to kiss, touch, and pull at each other. I tell him of Scarlett’s plan, and he smiles at the idea of how excited and stirred I am. With that, he mirrors her snaking fingers into my warm, wanting pussy, and begins to make me ready to enter full-on and hard as a rock. Before he does, he moves us to the right a few feet, turns me to face the ocean, pushes me to lean over, and begins to push his cock inside of me, picking up the rhythms of the waves as he pushes and pulls me like the tide within, while playing with my clit from behind.

As things heat up, he stays embedded deeply within me, lifts me with his forearms under my thighs, moves me to aim one of the water jets right at my clit, and begins to fuck me right there. with my clit being pummeled by spurting streams of wet heat... until I reach back, clutching his hair and cum at the full moon rising over the roar of the waves.

After my orgasm slows to tiny pulses, I release his hair and twist myself around. We kiss deeply as I regain my composure. The urge to have him release down the back of my throat becomes a need, not a want. I stand and pull him to sit on the edge. The light reflecting on his wet skin sends another wave of arousal deep inside. I take him in my mouth and hand at the same time. The sound that escapes from him makes me twitch. I swear I can taste myself on him even through the water. I alternate sucking, swirling, and grabbing. Although it is difficult, I manage to smile as I feel him grab hold of the back of my head and push into me. He flexes, and I know he is close as he pushes himself all the way down my throat. I moan “mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” as the vibrations cause him to twist the fistfuls of hair that he has. He explodes down the back of my throat, arching into my mouth. I swallow all of him, allowing him to decide when to pull me off his cock. Again and again, he shoots, finally releasing the grip of me he has in his hands. He sinks back into the water with me for another kiss.

I remind him that I need to get inside. It has to be my turn to jump in the shower and get ready for dinner. How long have we been out here? I try to replay the timeline in my head. The moon is up, dinner reservations are set for 9:30... How long have we been out here? Damn. "Listen,” I tell him. “Join us for dinner. I made the reservations for 3. It will be lovely. Baby, I have to go get ready now.” I kiss him one last time and get out of the tub to towel off. I take my first step and lock eyes with Scarlett through the sliding glass door.

I stop in my tracks as our eyes lock through the glass. I pull the towel a little tighter around me and continue towards the door. I stop again to turn around and look for you, but already the darkness of the evening claims my vision. I turn back, and you are gone as well. “Fuck!” I think out loud. I continue on into the room, headed straight for the bathroom. I never saw her.

As hot water rolls over me and steam fills the room, I lose my mirror. As much as I would love to stay under the hot water forever, the whole time loss thing has me freaked. I want to take my time, savoring the situation. My hands wander. There is no way for them not to. The steam works on me psychologically.

No, no, no... no time for that. I need to get out and get ready.

I move about the restroom, getting myself ready. I pull it together, getting dressed, paying attention to my hair and make-up. I am dying to know what mood Scarlett is in when I open the door.

“Scarletttttttttttttt? Do you have the time?” I call out through the room.

“Scarlettttttttttttttt? “ I have a feeling Scarlett is not there. I walk out into the sitting area of the suite to find her alone on the sofa, drinking a glass of wine, her eyes in a catatonic glaze, yet following my every step.

Holy crap, she looks beautiful. That look... I know that look. Her eyes are on fire. I can feel the craving. *mental head slap* She was watching us outside!!! This brings me a smile.

“Baby, I wanted to introduce you to Josh.” I say, walking towards her. She blinks and smiles at me, never saying a word.

“I really wanted to talk to you abo….”

“Kiss me,” she interrupts, looking at me. I walk towards her, never breaking her stare.

“You look beautiful. The salt air is good to you,” she says as I reach the sofa. I lean in and kiss her, standing above her. We kiss for what seems like forever. I pull back and remind her that we have reservations and should make our way over to the restaurant soon. With hunger in her eyes, she pulls me close, and we kiss once again. It is not long at all before I feel her hands on my shoulders, pushing me down. I naturally separate from the kiss. My eyes trail hers all the way down. I inhale her.

My mind is racing. I want so badly to tackle her, but I play it safe. I deliver slow kisses on her thighs. As I make my way up her leg, she parts her legs for me. I smile to myself, seeing she is sans panties. I sit up and slide two fingers inside her, leaning on my knees to reach her lips for another kiss.

I continue to push my fingers inside, my thumb finding her clit. As a moan escapes her, I know I have to taste her. I break our kiss and move down, using my other hand to trace over her nipple through the fabric of her blouse. When I make it back to her lap, I place both my hands under her ass and scoot her closer to the edge of the sofa for me. Happy with her spot, I spread her legs and smile, knowing I was about to bring her to orgasm.

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Hm Samarel
Take My Wife — Please!

"Great minds fuck alike." I am an artist/editor of erotica. Find me on Amazon: