Forbidden Embrace — Part 1

Edgar Eden
Take My Wife — Please!
7 min readMay 27, 2024
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I would like to confess how I recently celebrated my husband Harold’s fiftieth birthday, as it was an extraordinarily exceptional event for the two of us. My name is Angelika and I am thirty-nine years of age. We’ve been a happily married couple for well over 15 years now. Our relationship is excellently thriving and as time has progressed, I unearthed the profound, mysterious places where he hides his fantasies and dreams.

Most people had expressed that regardless of everything, I had a reasonably better-than-average figure for my age, despite the fact I proudly accept that my stomach isn’t as flat as it once appeared to be. Harold took me for incredibly delicious dinners out frequently! I also thought that as I was not blessed with any children, I had been able to successfully maintain my figure to some extent. My breasts are well-proportioned, even though they look comparatively less toned than they looked twenty years back. With larger-than-average nipples, they always were unbelievably sensitive whenever I got excited and aroused. This from time to time had caused me some embarrassment as they used to get exceptionally firm and engorged when I would feel aroused. So whenever I would get sensually excited at work or in public, they tended to get very recognizable even through my tops. With fascinating dark eyes, flawless skin, and blonde hair, I felt proud to exhibit my curves in public, not to mention that I was successful in wounding quite a good number of hearts and being the reason for envy for many. Being a blonde suits me right now, although I don’t have the faintest idea how many years more I can continue with it. My hair isn’t excessively long and I have it trimmed and styled into the nape of my neck. I trim my pussy a little to keep it neat and clean. However, once in a while, I will get a clean shave, especially if it is one of those nights when I really need to please Harold.

Both Harold and I are successfully engaged in lucratively compensated proficient occupations. I am a personal assistant to the director of a local construction firm. And, I work there three days a week. My husband, Harold works as a chief account executive in a huge firm in the next town. We have a spacious house and a lavishly luxurious lifestyle. Life treats us truly great, really. We live in a little town which surprisingly, these days is generally populated by unknown suburbanites. But, we are a very friendly couple in our peaceful neighborhood. In fact, we blend in very well with the next-door couple, even though they are a lot younger than us. Maximus and Donna Powell moved into the town two or three years back and we hit it off right away. Maximus runs his very own pet food and veterinary supplies company in the town and Donna does the accounts, inventory, and advertising work for him on a part-time basis.

Last weekend, I was around at Donna’s home sitting in her kitchen having some espresso putting the world to rights, and making up for lost time with all the neighborhood gossip. We generally preferred to get together at one of the homes when we had a break from work for a friendly, intimate, and girly chit-chat far from our spouses. I value my youthful companion’s friendship. It appears that despite our age differences, we get on well and can discuss everything comfortably. Well, Donna is ten years younger than me and is 29 years old.

“Are you doing anything surprising and extraordinary for Harold’s fiftieth birthday celebration next week?” Donna asked me.

“I’m not planning for anything expensive and extensive, I’m going to prepare him his favorite pie and then give him the joy of one of our ‘exceptional nighttimes’ as his birthday treat,” I replied.

“What on earth is an ‘exceptional nighttime’?” Donna curiously asked me.

“Oh, it’s nothing that much special, it’s simply something that I love to do for Harold from time to time. Just leave it.”

“Oh! Come on Angelika spill the beans then, please don’t tease me like that by not revealing to me what Harold will get for his birthday. I really want to know what an ‘exceptional nighttime’ is. If it’s that remarkable, I could try it on my Maximus.”

“No it’s nothing truly”, I said a little sharply and maintained my composure understanding that I shouldn’t have disclosed it in any case, “It’s simply something Harold and I do very often. It’s truly not so important and it’s kind of private.”

“Please, you can let me know. Don’t you like to coach newbie like me? I won’t tell anyone, I promise. I need to realize this exceptional private thing that you love to do for Harold.”

“I’m certain that you truly would prefer not to know,” I replied nervously.

“If you don’t mind, please tell me. You can’t tease me like this by beginning a discussion and then skipping the better part. Please.” Donna was practically begging me.

I knew by the tone of her voice that Donna was curious and would prop up endlessly about it until I eventually needed to give in and reveal to her what an ‘exceptional nighttime’ was or she might let something slip and ask Harold herself. Now I desperately wished that she hadn’t caught me off guard and that I hadn’t mentioned anything about Harold’s extraordinary birthday present in the first place.

“Alright, as I know you well enough to date, so I will let you know. But, you must promise me that neither you’ll laugh at it, nor you’ll disclose it to anyone else, promise?” I said to Donna sternly in a stark voice.

“Okay Angelika, if it’s that severely discreet, I’ll sign an official confidential pact if it’s that critical to you!’

“I mean it Donna; you’re to absolutely zip your mouth about this after we’re done. Harold would be truly offended if by any chance he realizes that I had been discussing with you about our private things.”

Still reluctant to disclose my deepest secrets, at first I began to explain to Donna the kinky fantasy that Harold had developed over a significant period about cream pies. I revealed to her that for quite a long period now, he had kinky fantasies about me being used by another man as a sex toy and getting my pussy filled with his love juices, and after that, Harold was permitted to cleanse me by devouring it all out from deep inside me. I further clarified that from time to time to encourage this fantasy of his; I would make up role-play situations and pretend that I had been with another man. I would do this by getting myself ready for a date, spending ample time to deliberately make up, and dressing like a provocative exhibitionist. On frequent occasions, he would even ask me that I tie him to our bed. When I obliged, I would make him watch me getting ready and ask his opinion about what outfits would exhibit my curves to my lover and turn him crazy. When I was prepared I would leave the room. Then, I would go to another room, and relish a glass of wine while I watched a film on TV. On another occasion, I would really go out in the vehicle and park up someplace for some time and tune in to a CD in the vehicle to kill some time before returning home. Eventually, this helped Harold to visualize a kinky fantasy where I was in reality out of home enjoying myself in the arms of my lover, while my lover explored my curves and pits with his manly touch. On the other hand, Harold would eagerly wait for my return in the bedroom and desperately crave the details of my exquisite sultry adventures.

When I returned home, I would pretend with Harold that I had been rammed mercilessly by my lover and that my pussy was in a mess with my lover’s juices ready for him to clean up. I would explain to him in detail how I had enjoyed my lover’s touch on every inch of my lush body, how he filled me up with his potent tool. As I would go on with all my erotic kinky encounters, Harold would go crazy for me. Furthermore, when I was letting him know in detail how I had been sucking a long thick cock, in the meantime, I was tenderly kneading his nipples and he had gotten so turned on that he liberated himself without me even touching his cock! Undressing and revealing to him how horny I was and what a mess my pussy was in, I would seductively motivate him to continuously lick my pussy imagining that it was actually loaded with someone else’s juices. This turned Harold on so much that it always proved his twisted fantasies were phenomenal to boost up our sex life. I would always peak my excitement a few times as his tongue lapped at my wet pussy before we made love again when he entered me. Over the years I had expertise in detailing my fake sultry adventures and at pretending and making up fanciful situations to tempt Harold and treating him with mind-blowing orgasms.

When I was done with my explanations, Donna shouted “Wow! You truly are a kinky couple.”

