Four Hands and a Blindfold

Eaton Beaver
Take My Wife — Please!
5 min readMay 8, 2024

She was so nervous that she was almost physically shaking. Crystal had really never done anything like this before. She was laying on the bed alone, blindfolded, with no idea what would happen next. All of her senses were on fire. She could smell scents of arousal, her own as well as a new scent she hadn’t had the pleasure of enjoying before. She could feel the cool, fresh sheets beneath her naked body. The sounds were muffled, but still loud enough to be audible.

Then she felt two hands on either end of her curious body. She could tell the hands did not belong to the same body. One was larger and the other one very soft and delicate. The hands start caressing her body in synchronized motions. Crystal tried to focus on both areas of sensation, but it was overwhelming. The hand at her head was softly touching her face, neck, and throat. Her lower half was being massaged by the more delicate of the pair. The combination was stirring her passion very deeply.

Crystal felt all four hands slowly moving to the middle of her body. Then she felt the two bodies get on the bed on either side of her. Now the touching was more erratic, still slow, but not in sync any longer. Each person was touching Crystal’s body with greater enthusiasm. Several times, Crystal felt that she was going to orgasm just from their touch. She yearned for more, but the hands had barely touched her so far. She knew if she asked for more, her request would slow the progress that had been made. She knew she just had to relax and enjoy it.

One set of hands found her breasts and grabbed them tightly. The other person gasped when they realized how we Crystal became from that one firm touch. The quiet room filled with surprised giggles. Then one hand from each person began to pull her legs apart. She could hear the sounds of the bondage equipment being prepared. Then she could feel the soft leather being wrapped around each limb. She was so aroused that she felt like she would cum from anticipation alone.

Crystal was completely bound now. She trusted them to take care of her. She felt small sporadic touches at random moments. Then, the light touches on her legs started moving gently up her legs. The fingers began dancing around her juicy pussy, tempting her to sway with the movement. Her pelvis seemed to chase the touch. Then she feels the dainty fingers enter her. Crystal can feel the hands switch from left to right and she hears the unused hand being licked intermittently. The moans of two voices are heard. They were sharing her wetness, which made her even wetter.

She felt a mouth and one of the rougher hands on each of her beasts. The hand kept kneeding her breast arousingly vicious while the mouth sucked and bit. The other hands were still in her pussy and she wasn’t sure how much more she could take.

The person who had been enjoying her lower half had moved from touching to tasting Crystal. The touch of the feminine tongue was very forceful but still very pleasant. The small fingers continued to caress her thick thighs and often would fuck her quickly to bring her to the edge, then retreat.

Crystal felt her head being turned to the side. She had been waiting to feel him in her mouth. It was everything she had hoped for. He was about an inch too big for her mouth, but she loved it. Her mouth was used hard until he was content and Crystal enjoyed every minute of the mess she had made on her face and bed. After he came he laid beside her, gently touching her breasts, knowing that it was tickling her but also torturing her with pleasure.

The woman between her legs was relentless. Crystal didn’t think she would ever stop, not that she really wanted her to. She was reveling in their touch. All of these emotions and sensations were almost too much. She wasn’t sure she had ever felt this good before. Crystal felt the bondage gear being removed and the two hot bodies moved to laying on either side of her. She could still feel their hands grazing her sweaty body, slowly moving up and down her torso. They’re all laying on their side, him behind her and the woman in front and kissing her. Her mouth felt so good to Crystal. She had a soft tongue and amazing lips. The man behind her had carefully placed his dick between her legs, thrusting it knowing that he was gently hitting her clit. It felt amazing between that and the soft yet deep and passionate kisses. The evening seemed to last forever. His dick was now inside Crystal. Thrusting. Hard. Crystal focused on kissing the woman to prolong the feeling so she wouldn’t cum. All of a sudden she stops kissing her, but the woman keeps going. Crystal is exploding. She could feel every hair on her body standing up like they were leaving her body simultaneously. She grabbed the woman tightly from the passionate release. He’s grabbing on to Crystal’s breasts tightly while pumping her from behind.

The woman decided that she wanted to feel Crystal’s tongue inside her now so she slides up the bed to position her beautiful pussy at Crystal’s mouth. The woman puts her fingers inside Crystal’s mouth to suck on while Crystal teases the woman’s clit. Then Crystal and the woman put their fingers in each other’s mouths. The woman put one leg under Crystal’s head and the other stretched over Crystal’s head. Crystal was so close to her clit that she barely stuck out her tongue and caused the woman to moan. The man is still fucking Crystal from behind but much slower now. He wants to enjoy this view while being in reach of kissing the woman. Crystal continued to lap at the soaking pussy placed in front of her to please. At that moment, she had no other interest except pleasing this beautiful woman.

The three bodies collapsed in bed from exhaustion and sensation overload. Their bodies had been used well for pleasure and the benefits were equally distributed. It was an amazing night, the first of many more to come.

Photo Credit: Dev Asangbam



Eaton Beaver
Take My Wife — Please!

I'm a closet erotica writer. I do it for fun and to get ideas out of my head. Shhh. Nobody in real life knows that I write smut. Time to let loose in anonymity.