Mad Max — Part 2

By Nancy Fairchild —

Nancy Fairchild
Take My Wife — Please!
6 min readSep 14, 2020


Photo credit: author

My wife, Nancy, had left this morning for her three month holiday in Bordeaux with her lover, Max, and I had taken our son to Heathrow to fly to the States where he would be stay with his grandparents at their house in the Hamptons. I was alone for the summer except for the twice weekly sessions Nancy had set up for me with Leona, who she described as being somewhat like a counselor. My wife was unduly worried that I would be unfaithful to her in her absence, which was out of my comprehension.

The last three months hadn’t been good for our marriage. Her relationship with Max was leading her down a dark road. The changes Nancy had undergone were impossible to ignore. Her dress sense changed from tastefully sexy to blatantly slutty. The ankle bracelet, the cheap hoop earrings and the numerous tatty rings on her fingers were more appropriate for a street walker rather than a respectable upper middle-class wife.

Max was shaping her into a woman I no longer recognized. I have seldom been her sole sexual partner, but we usually had sex once or twice a month. At least I got a fraction of her attention, but I had not even seen her undressed in 90 days and she had maybe spent one or two nights home during this time. Her maternal interests had also vanished. When she promised she would change upon her return after the summer I pledged I would unquestionably follow Leona’s tutelage and do whatever she wished. I was desperate to recapture the magic of our relationship.

I looked up and down the street before I knocked on the door. It wasn’t the sort of place I would like to be at night. Even the pleasant warmth of early summer didn’t seem to reach this part of London. In fact, there was a chilly drizzle overhead. The door to the house was painted black and there was no buzzer, just a rather large brass door knocker, which meant the occupant probably lived in the entire building. I finally worked up the courage to lift it and knock on the door.

I waited two minutes before I head a series of locks turning and the door opened to reveal a rather diminutive, older woman with short dark hair. She was undoubtedly attractive in a very unusual way, very slim and dressed all in black. I knew from the card my wife had given me that her name was Leona, so I introduced myself. She curtly acknowledged me and instructed me to take the outside stairs to the basement door, to undress completely, leaving my clothes and shoes in an outside tool closet and then to knock on the basement door. I was instructed to do this for all future visits and to never knock on the basement door until I was completely undressed. I was also told from henceforth that I would address her as Mistress Leona, unless we were together in a public place.

I did as instructed and stood in the cool rain until she opened the door. I was largely hidden from view. Unless a passerby leaned over the stairwell, I was invisible. When I was allowed to enter the basement, which had a bare concrete floor and walls which were painted red and black. I was given a towel, a shaver and soap and told to go to the shower room, remove all my body hair and choose a fingernail polish and paint my toenails. Only when I was completely smooth, and the polish was dry, could I return to the main basement area. When I came out of the shower room, I was completely nude, with painted pink toenails and a smooth, shaved body. It wasn’t an unpleasant sensation.

I was then weighed and my height was measured, as were my feet, waist, chest, hips and the inseam of my leg. Leona also inspected my penis and testicles and my anus. It was disconcerting because she had yet to explain her motivations. I was then told to sit in a chair astride her desk for our initial assessment. the first part focused on the state of my marriage and then veered strangely off to probing whether I had previous homosexual experiences, homosexual fantasies or envy of the female gender, to which I replied in the negative to all.

Leona then excused herself and went to the loo. When I heard the toilet flush and saw her returning with a large glass filled almost to the top with a yellow liquid, I knew that the first test in my counseling involved drinking her urine. That’s honestly not something I am averse to. Nancy does that often with me as somewhat of a test of my devotion to her but often her urine is topped with bits of spunk. Leona put the glass on the desk, pulled a bottle of pills out of a desk drawer and extracted two and put them next to the glass. She told me to take the pills and drink until I finished the glass.

“You earned a couple of bonus points for not asking anything about the pills and just obediently taking them,” said Leona, who smiled for the first time in our session. “I also liked the way you showed no reluctance about drinking my piss. That will be a regular feature in the future. Female urine is rich in hormones and those are good for you.”

“Thank you, Mistress Leona.” I answered. Keeping my response as short as possible, as instructed previously.

“I am going to start a process with you that will begin in earnest tomorrow,” added Leona. “For each step you will not hesitate to do as told nor will you raise any objections. I am moving to your apartment tomorrow for the duration of the summer. I will take the master bedroom and you will sleep in your son’s room. You will place a large clean glass next to each toilet. That’s obviously so you don’t miss a drop of my golden nectar. That’s a special gift to you that will draw us closer. The hormones will be good for you.”

“Thank you, Mistress Leona,” I replied, once again, wondering what the coming months had in store for me but, at the same time, resigning to my fate as Nancy would want me to.

“You have a nice slim body which I can work with and your longish hair will look nice once we dye it blonde and it grows out a bit more,” Leona added. “My goal is to complete this process in one month and then really start on a plan to modify your behavior and appearance. It will start to be enjoyable at a point for you. It’s nice that your penis is not that big. It may shrink to some extent but often it bounces back at a point, but your penis is not that important to your marriage. Nancy is spoiled for choice when it comes to cock. She doesn’t need yours in the future.”

“Now we have to get down to some unpleasant but necessary business,” said Leona. “I will need a £50,000 payment immediately for expenses and a further £20,000 as an advance bonus, also immediately. I will also require a full six-month commitment from you, not just the initial three months that were planned. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Mistress Leona,” I replied, quickly calculating in my mind the dollar equivalent of the amount required and how I would immediately access it. “I can have the transfer done today.”

“Good, I’m pleased, and I look forward to working with you,” said Leona with another smile. “Now let’s go to lunch and get your ears pierced.”



Nancy Fairchild
Take My Wife — Please!

A married libertine with a very understanding husband. Originally from New York but now in Europe and beyond.