Meeting Your First Threesome

Eaton Beaver
Take My Wife — Please!
12 min readMay 3, 2024

Harold rang the doorbell with a little nervousness and anticipation. This was his first time doing anything like this and his first face to face meeting with Eva and Steve. They’d been posting lots of pictures of each other his favorite erotic website and he started commenting on them. This led to them chatting on-line and, after getting to know each other over a few weeks, had agreed to meet. He was now at their front door. With luck, this evening would be a memorable occasion for them all.

“Hi!” said Steve as he opened the door. “You must be Harold. Just like you described. Come on in.”

Harold followed him down the hall and into the living room. Eva was sitting on the sofa and rose as they entered. Without waiting to be introduced, she flung her arms around Harold enthusiastically and hugged him tight, kissing him sloppily on the cheek.

“Hi sexy”, she said, her voice low and throaty.

Harold chuckled at the welcome and stepped back to look at Eva more clearly. She was a mature woman but had retained her figure well. She was slim, with small high breasts and long, hard, nipples. Her platinum hair, tied back into a ponytail, fell to the middle of her back.

She wasn’t wearing much. A long black silky dressing gown was barely closed, held only with a thin belt, allowing a glimpse of her lacy black lingerie. Eva saw his interest and spun around slowly. As she completed a full revolution, her gown spread a little wider, exposing what lay beneath a little more clearly.

Eva was wearing black sandals, with a stiletto heel at least four inches high. Her toenails were painted a deep red that could be seen clearly through the delicate black stockings that clad her long shapely legs. Her fingernails matched her toenails. Black lacy briefs barely concealed her freshly shaven pubic mound. Her breasts were supported by a matching quarter cup bra, allowing her swollen upturned nipples to be displayed to all and sundry. Eva cheekily lifted her breasts with her cupped hands, grazing the nipples with her thumbs.

“Like what you see ?” said Eva. “Let’s sit down and relax for a while. You two sit on the chairs” she continued. “I’ll have the sofa. There’s a video all ready to go”.

She sat as she was talking and picked up the remote. The TV lit into life and the opening credits of a German porn film started rolling down the screen. Steve and Harold took their places. The chairs were positioned so that they were facing the sofa but could easily see the TV too.

“Don’t be shy” said Eva. “Pull your dick out if you want.”

With that she opened her gown and spread her left leg over the arm of the sofa. Harold’s eyes took in the delicious sight in front of him. Within seconds Eva was engrossed in the film on TV. Unashamedly Steve had unzipped himself and was slowly stroking his swelling cock while half watching Eva and half watching the TV.

The film had jumped straight to hard core action and, on screen, a woman on all fours was being fucked by one guy, as another watched, slowly wanking himself. Harold watched Eva. Her hand was down the front of her G-string briefs and Harold could see her fingers working her clit very slowly.

Up until now, Harold had been feeling a little anxious and not particularly aroused but the eroticism of the situation, with Eva masturbating in front of the two men, Steve just sitting there and unconcernedly stroking himself, caused Harold’s prick to engorge and lengthen. Surreptitiously, he rubbed myself through his pants. Eva caught the movement and glanced across at him. She eyed the bulge and smiled to herself, then went back to watching the TV. Her hand changed rhythm to match that of Harold stroking his erection, occasionally dipping a finger into her vagina.

A few minutes later, with Harold trying to watch Eva and the TV at the same time, his prick was as hard as it had ever been. He found the situation extremely erotic — an almost naked lady was lying across the sofa, blatantly playing with herself in front of the two men. Eva suddenly removed her hand and jumped up.

“Enough of this” she said. “Let’s go upstairs.”

She walked out of the room and glanced back over her shoulder at the two aroused men.

“Come on. I’m dripping wet”

Harold slowly stood up and adjusted the bulge in his trousers.

“You go ahead” said Steve. “I’ll switch off down here and follow you up.”

Harold followed Eva into the hall. She had paused part way up the stairs, waiting. As Harold stepped onto the bottom stair, she continued, with Harold climbing behind her. Her buttocks were high and tight and Harold watched her butt wave about as she climbed each individual step in front of him. Even though it was concealed by her gown, he found the sight intensely erogenous. Cautiously, he reached up and stroked her buttock.

“Nice” she said with a grin. “I take it you like my ass?”

“Oh yes”, he said, “I hope to introduce myself to it very soon.”

She laughed throatily and waggled her hips as she continued up the stairs.

Eva led the way into the bedroom, dropping her robe on the floor by the bed. She crawled onto the bed, waving her butt as she did so, then rolled on her back and slowly lifted her legs in the air. Harold stepped forward, ran his fingers around the waistband of her briefs, and gently peeled them down her legs. She lifted her backside in the air to help, but as soon as they were off, she spread her legs wide. Her labia stickily separated and her enlarged clitoris peeked out of its hood.

Harold knelt on the bed and bent forward, inhaling the musky aroma of her arousal. He slowly licked her pussy upwards, running his tongue over her hard little clit and she groaned. His hands slipped under her thighs and he bent his head to her sex yet again. Starting by gently tickling her anus with his tongue, he then made a long stroke upwards towards her clit, each time just lightly touching the tip before dropping back down to her anus. She was dripping wet and he heard her breathing become labored and irregular as his tongue work began to take effect.

Harold heard Steve enter the room, and vaguely registered the rustle of clothes as Steve disrobed. The mattress sank as he shuffled onto it and Harold glanced up just in time to see Steve’s erect penis disappear into Eva’s eager mouth. Soon she was slurping happily on him. Harold moved his hands upwards onto her breasts and, as he grasped her hard little nipples between his fingers, he was gratified to hear a moan of pleasure from her. Harold concentrated on the job in hand, licking and kissing her pussy, tweaking and twisting her nipples until her hips began to lift off the bed as she approached orgasm.

Seconds later, she came hard. Her thighs closed around Harold’s head, smothering him, and her hips lifted high off the bed. Her moans were muffled by the cock stuffed half way down her throat but she still made a lot of noise. She slumped to the bed and released Harold’s head. He rolled onto his back exhausted, trying to catch his breath. Eva quickly rolled over, twisted round and, on hands and knees, straddling his head.

“Quick, Steve” she said urgently. “Fuck me now”

Harold lay there looking up at her dripping pussy as Steve slid his swollen prick deep into her in one easy movement. Eva grunted as he slammed it home. He began to thrust. Long, hard, fast strokes, almost pulling his prick out of her juicy pussy each time before ramming it back again. Within seconds, Steve had reached the peak strokes and lost his rhythm, finally slamming himself hard against her as he began to cum. Harold watched Steve’s buttocks contract as he pumped spurt after spurt of hot, sticky, sperm deep inside Eva’s hot willing womb. Finally he was done and he pulled his rapidly shrinking member from her and sat back. Eva immediately lowered herself down and began kissing Harold passionately. Eventually, she slowly lifted herself off and slumped onto her back.

Harold climbed off the bed and finally undressed. His dick was still hard. He’d been too busy attending to Eva to touch himself and Eva had been too busy with Steve to attend to Harold. Steve and Eva both moved across the bed and Harold lay down behind Eva as she cuddled up to Steve.

Eva faced Steve, who now lay on his back. Eva lay on her left side, right leg thrown over Steve’s right thigh. Harold snuggled up behind her and eased his left arm under her head and gently grasped her left breast with his left hand. With his right hand, he started to stroke her butt and his left hand started to caress her breast. Eva was gently stroking Steve’s prick back to life and Harold felt Steve groping underneath Eva, feeling for her slippery pussy.

Harold’s hand slowly worked across her butt, getting closer and closer to her puckered rosebud, as she lay there enjoying the attentions of the two men, relaxing into the sensation. Soon Harold’s middle finger was gently pressing against her last virginity. He quickly grabbed a tube of KY jelly from the bedside cabinet and smeared his fingers liberally. Returning to her sphincter he gently lubricated her ass before pressing a finger against the little hole. Pressing slowly and gently, his finger began trying to gain access. Slowly, increasing the pressure with each push, his middle finger started to enter her tight little sphincter. Eva involuntarily resisted at first but forced herself to relax and, finally, his finger slipped in a fraction. Harold withdraw it and pushed again and again. Each time a little deeper. Fraction by fraction, his finger slipped into her hole.

Trying to keep in time with Steve, who was still fingering her pussy, and with Eva as she stroked Steve’s prick, Harold soon had his finger in her ass up to the first knuckle. Continuing to ease it in and out, it was getting easier and shortly he had it pushed in past the second knuckle. Eva was wriggling against Harold’s finger but seemed to be enjoying the attention. Harold introduced a second finger and Eva started to push back against his fingers as they penetrated to their full depth. He wriggled them a little and felt Steve’s fingers through the thin membrane as Steve slowly finger fucked her juicy pussy.

Pulling his fingers out briefly, Harold quickly grabbed a condom, ripped the packet open and rolled it over his throbbing prick. He smeared it with more KY jelly and then pushed his fingers gently back into her ass. This time Eva was more relaxed and they slipped in much more easily. Harold briefly eased them in and out a little before stretching them apart slightly to expand her little virgin rosebud.

Repositioning himself, Harold eased his condom covered cock into position next to his fingers. Then, quickly pulling his fingers out, he introduced the head of his prick and gently pushed. Steve’s fingers stopped moving as Eva froze and tried to relax her sphincter. Harold increased the pressure. With a little pop, the head of his prick suddenly slipped past her sphincter and Eva gasped with the invasion. He paused to let Eva get accustomed to the feeling. She groaned, in a nice way. Her hand came round behind her and between their bodies. Her fingers curled around his erection and briefly stroked him then her hand moved to his hip and she pulled him towards her.

Fraction by fraction, Harold’s prick slipped deeper into her bowels until his pelvis was pressed hard against her ass. Infinitely slowly he withdrew a little and slid back in. She was as tighter than any virgin pussy. Harold continued the slow, gentle thrusts as Eva experienced anal penetration for the very first time. Her hand had left his hip and was now rubbing, in time with his thrusts, on the little nub of her clitoris. Steve recommenced his vaginal penetration.

Slowly Harold increased the speed of his thrusts. Eva’s breathing became more and more erratic. Carefully, Harold increased speed but eventually, unable to resist her tight ass, and despite his promise to take it slowly, he was soon hammering his prick in and out of her ass. Eva was thrusting back against the deep penetrations, however, and her hand was a blur on her clit. Steve was thrusting his fingers deep and hard into her pussy. Suddenly, with a muffled scream she convulsed and it was all Harold could do, to remain coupled. He thrust deep once more, and then held on tight as she shivered and shuddered and moaned and twitched through a tremendous orgasm. She slumped eventually, panting, gasping for breath, soaked with sweat.

Surprisingly Harold was still hard. Her orgasm had taken him by surprise but it hadn’t triggered his own. Harold withdrew his cock from her ass and eased his weight off her.

“Straddle Steve” he whispered in her ear.

Quickly, she threw her right leg completely over Steve and, in a practiced move, grabbed his swollen prick and slipped it into her very wet pussy. She slid straight down grinding her pelvis into his, moaning deeply as she did so. Harold moved behind her and knelt astride his legs, his prick bobbing in front of him. Fumbling a little, he soon had it positioned against her ass once again and he pressed forward. This time, it popped through her sphincter easily and Harold sank deep inside with one gentle push. Eva moaned with delight as he once again filled her bowels to capacity.

The feeling was unbelievable. His prick was gripped by a soft, hot, tight sheath. He could feel Eva clenching her muscles around him. Steve started to fuck her pussy, slowly at first as Harold kept still. Harold could feel Steve’s prick sliding against his own, separated only by the thin membrane. Once Steve had established a slow rhythm, Harold also started to slowly withdraw and timed his thrusts in time with Steve’s strokes. As Steve withdrew, Harold pushed in, as Steve pushed, Harold withdrew. Harold felt Eva insert her fingers between her and Steve, briefly fondling Harold’s scrotum as she did so. Soon she was flicking her clit in time with their slow, rhythmical penetrations.

Gently Harold ran his hands along her hips and over her ribs until he had her delightful breasts in his hands. Harold loved to play with nipples and, because Eva’s nipples were so responsive, he soon had them swollen and hard between his fingers. Harold kept tweaking and gently pinching them in time with their thrusting, slowly increasing the pressure as Eva started to climb, once again, towards an orgasm.

The thrusting had also been increasing in tempo and now the bed was creaking and thumping gently against the wall. They were all breathing heavily now, gasping with exertion and a sheen of sweat coated all of their bodies. With a sudden grunt, Steve thrust violently upwards and moaned as he came, deep inside her pussy. Harold felt Steve’s prick pulsating, depositing spurt after spurt of spunk deep inside his wife. That triggered Eva again and she wailed and clenched down painfully on Harold’s prick and slumped across Steve, twitching in orgasm. This, in turn, triggered Harold’s own orgasm and he spurted long and hard with his swollen prick deep inside her ass.

Harold rolled off Eva and Steve and slumped on the bed, breathing heavily.

“Was that good for you too?” Harold asked Eva.

She slowly lifted herself off Steve and looked at Harold. Her hair was an untidy mess, as it half covered her face.

“God yes!” she said. “That was even better than I ever imagined it could be. I wouldn’t want to do it every night but you’ll be welcome any time if it’s going to be as good as that.”

“Get us both hard again and let’s try to put them both in your pussy next.”

Eva smiled and slid down Steve, inhaling his prick into her mouth as soon as she could. Harold lay there watching as she gobbled away enthusiastically. He idly stroked his prick with his left hand, watching as she knelt between Steve’s legs, licking away. Harold shuffled around until he could reach between her legs with his right hand. His fingers soon found her dripping pussy and he pushed one finger deep inside. Eva wriggled and pushed against his hand trying to force my finger deeper. He took the hint and added another finger, then another and then all four.

“Let’s go for broke”, Harold thought to himself.

He tucked his thumb between his fingers and pushed hard. The knuckles parted her pussy lips erotically and he kept pushing. Spunk dribbled from her gaping pussy, lubricating his hand as he eased it completely into her warm, wet, willing pussy. Eva grunted and then moaned long and low as Harold’s hand finally slipped fully inside.

As Harold lay there, slowly wanking his prick, his other hand fully inside the hot juicy pussy of a very randy Eva, watching the naked woman deep throating her friend, he thought that tonight was going to be one of the best nights of his life. He’d given oral, taken Eva’s anal virginity, tried double penetration and was currently fisting her. With luck, they’d soon be trying to get both pricks into her willing pussy at the same time. Perhaps afterwards, they’d try a little light bondage and, once Eva was suitably restrained, they’d both spank the horny girl for being such a naughty girl.



Eaton Beaver
Take My Wife — Please!

I'm a closet erotica writer. I do it for fun and to get ideas out of my head. Shhh. Nobody in real life knows that I write smut. Time to let loose in anonymity.