Poly Signals

The ankle bracelet, the tattoo and all the other nonsense

Brian O'Connell
Take My Wife — Please!
2 min readSep 20, 2020


By Brian O’Connell

Author’s Poly Wife, Nancy

Why am I writing only about poly wife/mono husband relationships? If you want to read all about poly marriages there are plenty of resources out there, groups to join, websites to follow and blogs galore. I am concentrating on a unique marriage constrict because few others are and the reason for that is, I know it works.

If you gave the following questionnaire to any woman and asked her to be completely honest in their response, you’d understand why I write about the subject.

1. Would you prefer a marriage where your husband remains totally faithful to you, but you are under no obligation to do the same and would, in fact, receive positive encouragement if you were unfaithful, because there will be no such concept in your side of the marriage and you will never suffer guilt as a result? __Yes __No

2. Do you want to marry a man who will cheat on you behind your back? __Yes __No

If one were to give the following question to a man entering into marriage, how do you think they would respond?

1. Would you prefer to marry a woman who has an open and positive view of her sexuality, takes care of her body and looks because she wants to remain attractive and gives off a sense of excitement, even after 20 years of marriage? __Yes __No

2. Do you want to marry a woman who will lose interest in sex, so you have to cheat on her behind her back which will lead to betrayal and divorce? __Yes __No

Men don’t cheat in poly wife/mono husband marriages because they are already married to the most exciting woman in the world. And wives don’t cheat either because they already have permission and it isn’t cheating then. And they don’t leave their husbands for someone else, although they might wander off for a bit because they can do as they please and that’s probably good because when they come back, they are more exciting than ever. Being married to a poly wife is never dull.

Let’s address the nonsense of the ankle bracelet and the hotwife tattoo, both of which look a bit tawdry in real life but somehow fuel men’s fantasies. There’s nothing wrong with them and they can be fun and sexy but the biggest draw a poly wife has is her wedding ring. Before I married my wife Nancy, the first thing I looked for on a woman was that ring because there is nothing sexier than taking a married woman to bed.

I never looked for an ankle bracelet or noticed a strange tattoo and I slept with a number of married women before one such one overwhelmed me one evening and never left.

