The Experiment

Rick Scott
Take My Wife — Please!
23 min readJan 4, 2024


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My wife and I were having drinks with our old college friend Ray following the homecoming football game. Ray and I had been roommates and best friends since our freshman year. Amanda and I had met in our junior year and quickly became a pair, and the three of us were like the 3 musketeers.

Ray was tall, ruggedly good-lucking, charming and honestly respectful of women. The ladies clearly responded to him, and Amanda was not immune to his charms. There were times she’d be in flirtatious conversations with Ray and practically forget I was there. One time, I ribbed her about it while we were in bed. She’d insisted they were just having fun, but our passion that night was noticeably inflamed. Had Ray aroused her libido? And had I been turned on by watching them?

There had been no doubt about how Ray felt about Amanda. He’d told me more than a few times how lucky I was to have such a hot girlfriend. And the way he was around her was different than he was around the girls he dated. He clearly held her in special regard.

Even though it was clear that Amanda and Ray had special feelings for each other, it never threatened the relationship between Amanda and me. In fact, somehow, it even strengthened it. Amanda and I loved each other, and the three of us respected each other so much that jealousy was never an issue.



Rick Scott
Take My Wife — Please!

I'm a retired engineer taking a turn at writing erotic stores about partners exploring and enjoying sex way outside the bounds of monogamy.