The Keys of Shame

Nancy Fairchild
Take My Wife — Please!
9 min readSep 24, 2020
Nancy Fairchild

“The shame that Brian bore pleased me greatly because I knew it was an ultimate test of his love for me. No man should be expected to do what I made Brian do for those two years”

by Nancy Fairchild

I had the easiest walk of shame of any woman in the world for the first two years my husband and I lived in London. I simply put on my short silk bathrobe and walked up either one flight or two flights of stairs from my lovers’ flats to the apartment I shared with my husband directly above. Often, I made that walk right after I had sex, my pussy still full of my lover’s cum. When I would see my husband diligently working at his desk in the little office we had set up for him, I would come up silently behind him and put my finger in my pussy and then smear it on his lips and force it into his mouth so he could fully taste the juices that clung to it and I’d whisper in his ear that he was tasting a real man. We had only been married a few months when I started this little ritual.

During the two years we lived there he could tell by taste alone which lover I had just returned from. I found it deeply erotic to cover the lips of my husband with the spunk of my lovers because, for long stretches during that time, that was as close as he got to having sex with me and I wanted him denied during that time. It was a difficult time for him, but it set the tenets of the marriage we have today.

James, my first lover in London, lived in the flat below and he had seduced me about a day after Brian and I moved into the flat above him. We had come from New York where I had recently divorced my first husband and quickly entrapped my second. He was younger than me, just like Brian and, at that time, a well-known English musician who had released a couple of albums. His arrogance towards my husband, on the rare occasions he and I bumped into Brian, either leaving or coming into the apartment building, was barely concealed. After all, he had assumed almost the sole role as my lover barely three months after my marriage. My body belonged to him, but my husband was my provider; the man who took care of me, bought my clothes, made me coffee in the morning and made sure there was money in my account.

Nancy Fairchild

The erotic imbalance of our marriage has been a constant but, during this time, I wanted to test its limits, which is why one morning I asked my husband to join me for coffee in the living room. I was just wearing my robe and had made love to James only 30 minutes prior and his warm spunk was still deep inside me. I asked Brian to sit next to me on the sofa so he could see my bare thighs, a sight he finds particularly sexy. I am a skinny blonde Jewish American Princess. After my nose job and boob job, I looked like a gentile, like my husband.

I am confident about my looks and that confidence has been reinforced through the years by the string of handsome lovers I have accumulated. My husband doesn’t enjoy the same freedom in our marriage that I take. That was agreed even before I entrapped him and made him mine.

I had placed two distinctly different keys, without explanation, next to my cup on the bare surface of the coffee table alongside a bottle of pink fingernail polish, a plastic container of polish remover and some cotton pads. I draped my legs over his so he could begin the process of redoing my toenails, Like everything else Brian does, he does my toenails and fingernails more expertly than I could have had done for me in the most expensive beauty salon in London. It’s one of the things I just take for granted now, just like I know all my clothes and lingerie are expertly cleaned, folded and put where they’re supposed to be in my closets and dresser.

Brian was deeply insecure during the first few months we lived in our fourth floor flat in Kensington because my initial sexual addiction to James consumed me and I saw my husband only when I visited our home to pick up something I needed. I was so caught up in the new life I had formed with James that I barely gave a thought to Brian and that was, in retrospect, completely insensitive of me. I had recently told Brian that I would take a second lover to assuage the fears he had that I would leave him. I had some good news to tell him that morning but also something that would shame him and test his devotion to me.

“I visited David yesterday and he fucked me very well,” I told my husband as he worked on my toenails. “So that makes two men in the same building who are now fucking your wife.”

Nancy Fairchild

David is a successful sculptor and, at the time, occupied the second floor of the apartment building. I have a thing for artists which is ironic because, if Brian wanted me to have other lovers virtually from the start of our life in London, he couldn’t have picked a better building to move into. David was aware I was having an affair with James; it wasn’t like I was discreet about my love life at all, so everyone in the apartment building knew my husband lived on the fourth floor and I spent most of my time on the third floor with my lover. James had no idea I had started an affair with David and we largely kept it that way by only being together when James was at the sound studio or off on the road.

James is as slight as Brian, the way a lot of musicians are, whereas David, who works with stone all day, is broad chested and has that ability to toss me around like a little doll when we make love, which I find very sexy. My love life with Brian, at this time, was virtually non-existent, not due to anything Brian was doing wrong; I just was not particularly interested in fucking him and I don’t like to pretend when it comes to sex.

“I shouldn’t be sharing intimate secrets about David,” I said, as Brian carefully removed all the nail polish from my toenails. “But he does have a very nice cock and he loves me sucking it. I really like to take him in my mouth and make him hard and take all his cum. He tastes wonderful. He actually fucks me better than James.”

“James would be furious if he found out about David,” I added. “That’s why I have to be discreet and only fuck him when James is at the sound studio or on the road. I’m going to spend tomorrow night with David because James has a gig in Nottingham. I know we haven’t spent a night together in ages, but I just have to get some things out of my system. We have a whole future ahead of us.”

Brian’s face had reddened as a combination of shame and jealousy overcame him. That pleased me. Those emotions were generated by his love and devotion to me and that gave me an erotic surge that traveled right down to my well fucked pussy. The next part of the conversation was going to come as a surprise to Brian and would bring him even more shame because, by complying with my demands, he would be demonstrating a degree of devotion few men would ever willingly perform, but I knew he would. The erotic power I possessed over Brian drove my sexual desire which threw even more into my lover’s arms.

“The two keys on the table are for James’s and David’s flats,” I said. “You have to put them on your keychain from now on because you will be cleaning their apartments twice a week, doing their laundry, pressing their clothes, taking out their rubbish, making their beds with fresh sheets and making sure there are fresh cut flowers on their tables. They are both gone in the afternoons, so you won’t be interrupting them. I want you to do the best job possible and that means cleaning even the most difficult places to reach. Both men are taking care of your wife’s sexual needs and deserve the best. This will be a way for you to pay homage to those men and a means of giving thanks to them for the pleasure they provide me that you can’t at this time in our marriage. It also signifies your status to them as someone who is there to serve them. I realize this will shame you in their eyes but that signals to them your utter devotion to me.”

“You also have to make sure that my clothes that are in their closets are also cleaned,” I added. “And make sure there are tampons in each man’s flat, just in case I get my period. I want you to pay particular attention to my periods from now on because I am sure you don’t want me to miss one. That would create a little dilemma in this building, wouldn’t it?”

“James has got some sex toys in his bedside table he likes to use to play with me,” I continued. “He likes to get me very wild before he fucks me. I want those carefully cleaned. And make sure there is always a fresh tube of lube in the drawer because he is really into anal sex with me.”

Nancy Fairchild

“I know you’re concerned about what James and David will think of you now that they’re both cuckolding you and you will be cleaning their flats,” I added. “I know how humiliated that will make you feel but it is important to me that you do this. They could have just hired cleaning ladies, but I volunteered you for the job. I did that because it’s very important to me that you show your devotion to me even during this barren time for our sex life. We haven’t been married that long so just consider this as a chance to show me how strong your love for me is. You promised you would do anything to make me happy when we got married. Doing this for me will make me happy.”

I looked over at my husband who had stopped attending to my feet and just looked stunned, his face still a deep shade of red. Most men would have laughed at my demands, but I chose my new husband well. I wanted a man who would be utterly devoted to me and take care of my every whim without question and Brian was just that man. He would sublimate his ego and accept the shame of caring for the men who regularly fucked his wife, if that was what I demanded.

He did as he was told, much to the amusement of David and James. Their flats were spotless, their clothes were cleaned and pressed and their sheets they fucked me on were changed twice a week during the time we lived in that building in Kensington. Both men looked at Brian in utter contempt when they passed each other in the building.

The shame that Brian bore pleased me greatly because I knew it was an ultimate test of his love for me. No man should be expected to do what I made Brian do for those two years, but few men would marry a woman like me, and I know that. As much as Brian felt insecure during that time, I felt more secure in my marriage than anybody else alive. I had a man that would literally do anything I asked.

The imbalance of our marriage continues to this day. My lovers have me whenever they wish but Brian has to earn my sexual attention. He has to spoil me beyond my expectations to have the opportunity to worship what other men regularly enjoy. He has been well trained over the years and I will test his limits further in the years to come.



Nancy Fairchild
Take My Wife — Please!

A married libertine with a very understanding husband. Originally from New York but now in Europe and beyond.