The Professor

By Nancy Fairchild

Nancy Fairchild
Take My Wife — Please!
7 min readSep 3, 2020


Photo credit: Author

Entry to Adrian’s blog-14 January 2013

Adrian: What’s up. Got lucky since the seventh?

Nancy: I don’t remember

Adrian: When are we going to try our luck again?

Nancy: ASAP, preferably this weekend

Adrian: Where? A friend with a nice flat? Menage-a-trois?

Nancy: Great! Is he cute?

Adrian: I was thinking of your lovers?

Nancy: They’re young and selfish

Adrian: Do you have a fuckable girlfriend?

Nancy: I want two guys.

Adrian: Fine. By the way, am I cute?

Nancy: I only have fuckable boyfriends.

Adrian: Fuck you soon. Can’t wait. I want you after you have just been used. Nice and dirty.

Nancy: Then you have to find a cute guy to join us.

Adrian: I will. Do you like black guys?

Nancy: That’s a funny question to ask after what I did on New Year’s Eve.

Adrian: Is he still fucking you?

Nancy: That’s remains to be seen.

Adrian: I can’t wait to fuck you again. Does your husband ever get the chance?

Nancy: Keep Brian out of it.

Adrian: You have such a hot fuckable body, it would be a shame if he doesn’t get to enjoy it.

Nancy: He has other purposes. He doesn’t measure up to you.

Adrian: Come to Oxford now. I need to fuck you badly.

Nancy: OK, I’ll go to Paddington now and get a train. How should I dress?

Adrian: Conservative. I need you to spend the night so pack a bag.

I wasn’t reading my phone when I looked at the texts I had exchanged with Adrian, I was reading his blog, which is also read by thousands of his followers all over the world. I just hope my husband isn’t reading it. I have broken so many rules with Adrian. It’s totally my fault. I should have ended it years ago but I can’t seem to stop seeing him. It’s his intelligence and his dominant character that draws me to him. His has an endless fascination with my life and my lovers and my marriage and somehow I can’t refrain from telling him everything which he then puts into print and on his blog. It’s published as a book every year so everyone in his department and virtually all the faculty at the university know what a promiscuous slut I am for him.

Entry to Adrian’s blog-7 March 2012

“I saw Nancy today while having coffee with Lauren and Pippa at a café near her flat in Kensington. She was with her husband. Nice guy, but thankfully not up to her standards sexually. But a woman needs security. I wonder if he knows. He must. I always leave a little present in the bed when I am invited over to see her in the afternoon. Just a reminder of what he can’t provide.

She exchanged a couple of words with Lauren and pretended that she barely knows me despite having spent the night with me two days ago. I got hard looking at her breasts which were barely covered by her thin top. Her nipples were hard as they always are. I wonder who she is fucking today? One of the lucky lads or her sugar daddies? I will text her later and tell her I need her again soon. If I call, she will come. I’ve trained her to be obedient and serve me when I need her. She wants more and someday I might give that to her but for now I need to keep the desire fueled.”

Most of the blog is devoted to his musings on philosophy, which isn’t the subject he teaches. That gives it and the book he publishes every year a patina of respectability, but I suspect most readers concentrate on the graphic descriptions of sex with me and our conversations.

Entry to Adrian’s blog-1 September 2014

Adrian: Where have you been, I need you.

Nancy: I’ve been in France with Charles for the summer. I am very tan.

Adrian: Isn’t he too old to keep you satisfied?

Nancy: He takes naps in the afternoon. I take walks and meet people.

Adrian: Men?

Nancy: Yes

Adrian: Tease me. Tell me more.

Nancy: Why? You don’t deserve it. Does the word please mean anything to you?

Adrian: Please tell me about your dirty summer.

Nancy: I was a very bad girl in the afternoon.

Adrian: How bad?

Nancy: I’ll tell you in person.

Adrian: I saw Brian a couple of times this summer. Poor man. He must be very frustrated.

Nancy: I feel guilty about going away for so long and leaving him to take care of things.

Adrian: Not guilty enough to be very naughty.

Nancy: You drive me crazy. I want you in my mouth. I’ve learned something that will make you happy.

Adrian: Are you a better cocksucker than you were before?

Nancy: Much better. I got lots of compliments in France.

His blog has a search function. I type my name in once a week to check the latest mentions. I do it with both dread and anticipation. Thankfully, it seems to be read mainly among academic circles and, since I am an adult and not a student at the university, his explicit account of our long relationship doesn’t fall out of the guidelines of artistic expression. Only my friend, Rebecca, is aware of it among my circle of girlfriends. It gets her quite aroused.

Entry to Adrian’s blog-15 April 2017

“I gifted Nancy to a friend last night as a thank you present for the long friendship, we have both enjoyed. I thought he deserved the same pleasure that I have enjoyed over the years. I also told him that he is welcome to her whenever he feels the need. With ownership comes responsibility. I wouldn’t have given Nancy to my friend unless I knew he would adore her as I do.

It’s not the first time I have gifted Nancy to another man. I never tell her I am doing it beforehand. I just give her instructions to come to my door. She knows not to question my decisions and she never raises an objection.

Would I marry such a libertine? That’s a question my friend asked me last night, although it is a mute question as Nancy is already married and would refuse to leave her husband without considerable effort on anyone’s part. I would certainly have a child with Nancy and I’ve spoken to her about that before, but it would be unfair to force her to do something she doesn’t want and to burden her poor husband with another mouth to feed.

No, I wouldn’t marry a woman like Nancy. I am too traditional for that. But owning her is another matter entirely.”

I don’t see Adrian that often. I would like to see him more but he’s very good at keeping my at arm’s length. I always feel strange when I go to Oxford and he introduces me to all his friends who have read every graphic detail of our relationship over the years. At first I found it utterly embarrassing but after I worked up enough nerve to tell my husband about the blog and allowed him to scroll through it for a few hours, I seem to have crossed a mental threshold.

It’s true that I do feel like somewhat of a possession when I am with him, but that’s part of the erotic appeal of the relationship. It’s sexy to feel owned. It’s even sexier to be owned.

Entry to Adrian’s blog-19 December 2019

I feel like I have curated Nancy over the years and made her even more of a wanton libertine. The project has been almost an artistic endeavor. A number of her lovers continue to be the lucky few I have gifted over the years. She has never objected when I have given her to a friend and they know, that when I give her away, that she is their property just as much as she is mine.

I went to her apartment in Notting Hill yesterday and she showed all the gifts her lovers have showered on her over the last decade. It’s like a little treasure chest. Each lover left her with a legacy, except the young men who simply want her body for their pleasure.

I told her that I was off to Belgrade for a year and she actually cried but she didn’t ask to join me because she knew I would have refused. She has a new lover who is taking her to the Seychelles for the winter so she will be happy. When she returns, I will fly her to Belgrade for a few weeks.

I left a remnant of our sex in the bed as I always do. I am just marking my territory and making sure her husband is reminded of his diminished status. I assume he silently accepts that by now, given that I have had far more pleasure from Nancy than he would ever dream of.

I had never met a woman who felt the same sexual compulsion that I do until Nancy entered my life. It has been a pleasure to take advantage of that over the years.



Nancy Fairchild
Take My Wife — Please!

A married libertine with a very understanding husband. Originally from New York but now in Europe and beyond.