Anti-Fragility within personalities

Belavadi Prahalad
Published in
4 min readMay 11, 2018

This article talks about some weird psychology stuff that I don’t understand much of yet.
Basically stuff to do with personality classification and a lot of anti fragility.
I might be wrong in some places. Do correct me.

Anti fragility is the literal opposite of fragility, not robustness but anti fragile.

For an anti fragile entity, randomness and uncertainty are necessary.
They make it stronger for it adapts constantly.
Lack of such challenges will result in its demise or a constant degradation of its capabilities.

Say there exist four sections of personality;

  • Red being Kindness and people that are inclined towards happiness
  • Blue being calculative and people that are good with numbers
  • Green being service based composing of repeated process oriented people
  • Yellow composes of exploratory people building new inventions

Red people want to be happy. They desire joy and yearn contentment in different forms such as food and acquisition of luxurious items.

Red people need to be tuned to like randomness and abnormality to be happy. If they abhor changes or despise new challenges, they tend to succumb to lower levels of contentment which results in them not seeking out further anomaly making them anti fragile.
They end up being vulnerable to outside forces that they haven’t sought out to.

Blue people need to have clear cut precision over what they are doing.
Their calculative mentality would swerve them against taking big risk, but however they’re more likely to make big moves when they see possibility of higher returns. They are very risk aversive.

However, despite all predictive analogies. They would need to take certain risks. They would need to seek imbalance from their predictive calculative paths to venture towards the unknown. Restraining their actions to what they know and not expanding their horizons renders them fragile.

Green people are generally people that are accustomed to a certain process.
They find joy in repetitive work. Green people are trained a particular way and they shall continue to repeat the process until they are trained a different way. They exhibit certain latency from switching tasks for they are accustomed to repeated mode of work.
Fragility comes from predictive behavioural patterns.
Anti fragility is a result of adapting to non predictable patterns.

Yellow exhibits exploratory behaviour. They crave changes. They invent and build things. It is within their nature to tire of things quickly. They are restless and seek new things. As much as anti fragility is a function of randomness, there exists a certain bar at which the human body and the society can tolerate, beyond which it becomes inexplicably hard to survive.

There needs to exist a balance between adaptation and exploration.
Human body will crumble if it is unable to adapt to changes its exposed to.
There must be a compatible sync between the agility of mind, body and the exposure both face in this random world.
If any of them is unable to cope, then it tends to be fragile.

In every single personality trait, there exists both fragile and anti fragile aspects. Adapting a single behavioral personality trait renders you fragile. We’ll need to switch gears between each of them appropriately to be truly anti fragile.

We, as humans are anti fragile because we adapt. We grow from our uncertainties to conquer them.
Every challenge we face is to make us indestructible.
We are anti fragile.

In early days, our environment wasn’t predictable. There was irrantionally unpredictable stuff in store for us that played an important role in helping us adapt to who we are today.

Nowadays, we reach out to gyms and similar constructs for our daily fitness. We are simulating a routine in a foreign environment to make compensate for our supposedly evolving natural fitness.

In short using such repetitive techniques are crippling us, but not using repetition would cease to exhibit muscle memory and inhibit growth.

Typical catch 22.

As different worlds become closer and much more accessible thanks to the available technology, we are constantly flooded with information that reduces our effort to span spheres of reach. In short, we now need to expend less energy than before to access those places and amass learnings.
This demands repeatability over time.

Recall indictment to strengthen cognitive reflexes

Evolution demands that every incremental change must benefit us in a particular manner to affect survivorship bias

With depleting adversarial conditions, is simulation an option ?

For a finite prolonging lifetime, only plausible way of extending to extending lifespan is to be more accommodating to the anti fragile movement.

This is in accordance with the predictability factor from proof of work.
In the pursuit of establishing a history for proof of work, we end up evolving into what we commit ourselves to.
The longer the history and impact of proof of work, much more vindictive and holds it bears upon us.

Latent energy to change is a virtue.

This is an epilogue from my previous article on unlearning and undoing in security.


