Self Victimization Theory

This is a personal anecdote of my observation.

Belavadi Prahalad
4 min readOct 15, 2017


Audience may or may not be able to relate.
In any manner, this article does not intend to offend, object or instigate any untoward action that may cause detrimental change or damage.

We exist among other coexisting people.
We adapt, act, interact and collaborate with Millions even if we are not aware of it.

Story of a Pencil

Among the people we collaborate with on a daily basis, majority of personal habits and actions are influential.

We tend to shift into what’s a more acceptable nature amongst people in that specific peer group.
Eventually, our ideals, ethics and our work are influenced and affected.

Simply put,

We are the average of the five people we surround ourselves with.

Raising the bar of standards for the people that you choose to surround yourself with isn’t a personal or a flamboyant thing anymore, but in fact, very much, a necessity.

Self Victimization is otherwise described as Victim playing on Wikipedia, but I believe that there is a much more grave problem that lies underneath.

We’ll define Self Victimization as setting oneself up for failure.

Self Victimization is setting oneself up for failure such that they can fail or (not succeed), to become a victim and justify their actions or intent that led to their failure.

In daily life, we can observe this behavioural pattern when people knowingly agree upon something that would sabotage a bigger necessary plan;

Much similar to agreeing upon to use cheap cement to build a 10 storey building.
The contractor and builder both understand that using cheap cement will bring the downfall of the building sooner or later.
They acknowledge the risk and yet choose to use cheap resources.

Such people are poisonous.
Association with such people is largely detrimental to the progress of our society.
This behaviour is contagious.

The responsibility of the person inflicted with this behavioural pattern is unequivocally burdened by their immediate peers, social circle and family.

Being aware and taking actions to prevent this behaviour is our responsibility to our society.

Similar to smoking and drug abuse, this behaviour is addicting and consumes oneself in the long run along with the affected’s surrounding circles.

There arises a debate as to what is known and what isn’t.
Observing and correcting this pattern is key to eliminating this plague like behaviour.
Avoidance of people expressing such behaviour isn’t solving anything.

We must prevent it by being aware, acknowledging its presence and take counter measures accordingly.

There are often times when the default outcome of an event is failure.

Hence, people come prepared to fail.

Approaching a problem being ready to fail means that defeat has been accepted.
Henceforth, the intent to win is half hearted.
The corresponding action to intent (pre-decided to default a failure) is not even half hearted, if it isn’t 100%, it is negligible.

With a half hearted intent and negligible action, it’s baffling that people expect positive results.

How stupid is it to expect anything without wanting or working for it?

My mother always said,

You can take a horse until the river, you can’t make it drink water.

Intent cannot be instigated.
Action cannot be instigated.
Intent is necessary.
Action is all the way more necessary.

Success is a function of Intent and Action.

Intent (Action) → Outcome

[ Intent-Failure] + [Action-Failure] → [Outcome - Failure]

[ Intent-Succeed] + [Action-Success] → [Outcome - Success]

Without Intent to win, the action definitely will not be enough to succeed.
If either Intent or action aren’t driven to Succeed, there is no way the outcome can be Success.
Expecting a win without intent and action isn’t justified at all.

Action is measured by proof of work.

No proof of work → No action

For a failure or a Success, there’s intent and action associated with either of the two corresponding outcomes.

Out of all the factors that influence Success or failure, we are analysing the two most important factors which we can exercise control over, intent and action.

Intent (Action) → Outcome

If at all, either of them is quantifiably differentiated, the outcome is affected likewise.

If at all, intent is isn’t defined properly, the outcome certainly will not be as expected implying if the intention isn’t defined, the outcome most certainly is non existent or a failure.

If, intent is defined properly, necessary actions are taken to ensure that the outcome is a definitive success.

At this point, people tend to argue that intent was spot on and meticulously well defined and yet they failed. If intent is genuine and well defined, necessary steps would be taken, action would correspond with intent to ensure that the resulting outcome would be a success.

Outer variables that are beyond our control aren’t factored in.

There can be a situation where an asteroid collides with Planet earth while Jordan is taking a shot on the basketball courts, but that isn’t something we can control.

The research defined in this article is gauging variables that we can control.


With a world population of 7.6 Billion, each unexpected failure by each person takes a toll.
Continuous failures are compounded every second across the globe.
This is massive.


Observe and take notice of your and your peer’s behavioural patterns.
Enforce or encourage people to understand and quit this behaviour.
Take responsibility, both individually and collectively.

Outcome: Collective progress.

By removing such negative attributes among our circles, our goal must be to progress as a collective community.
We owe our future generations and our present world a debt.
Our work must be dedicated to the collective progress of humanity without which our existence would mean nothing.

Strive to be helpful, positive and vital to your peers among your community.

Do read “Building a Super Power with Five people” to better understand how we play an important role in our communities with an economic perspective.

Thank you.




Published in Takeaway-chuck

We talk about how experience carves one’s insight into Personal and Professional Growth.

Belavadi Prahalad
Belavadi Prahalad