Three entrepreneurs on a beach

Belavadi Prahalad
Published in
3 min readDec 20, 2017

This story talks about the three major types entrepreneurs there are in a metaphorical sense.

There are 3 entrepreneurs on a beach, effectively:

  • A surfer
  • A voyager
  • A fisherman

A surfer makes his fame and fortune while riding the waves.

Different surfers have different approaches to riding a wave.
Eventually, pictures are snapped when they’re riding the wave on top, points awarded as they surf and everything happens within this brief period of time.
A surfer makes his fame and fortune while riding the waves alone.

Viral, precise and short lived entities operate within this space.

A voyager is successful when he finds treasure or resources.

Different voyagers have different stories and approaches to exploration.
Eventually, voyagers are deemed successful when they find treasure or resources in their conquests.
It could be their first voyage that strikes them gold or their 1000th voyage. They gain skill and experience along the way.
They are normally backed for resources by entities with abundance.
A voyager is successful when he finds treasure or resources.

Venture funded companies or entities that are backed by someone else ascertain to this model of growth.

A fisherman succeeds when he’s the only fisherman in a fish market.

A fisherman makes takes a slow and steady approach towards fishing.
Early, he fishes alone and sells his fishes at the market. The funds from fish sold feeds his family and then the remaining he uses to build his business. Soon, in a span of a decade or two, he operates a fishery that feeds thousands.
The fisherman’s fishery accounts for majority sales in the market.
A fisherman succeeds when he’s the only fisherman in a fish market.

Monopolistic companies solving niche problems operate within this segment.

To each, its own.
There are a multitude of factors that affect and control the definition of success in each segment.
Majority of what we see operating today are dominant in these three specs or sometimes a well timed combination of them.

Each undertake their own journey, pros, cons and result.

But amongst these three entrepreneurs , Which one are you ?

The story in this article was mtrajan’s brainchild.

Thank you

Prahalad Belavadi

