TakeBack News
TakeBack News
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2016


It’s Time For Something Different

With another Race Riot taking place in 2016, it’s time to examine what has led to so much strife in inner-city communities across America:

This is not about Police Brutality. The man who was killed Saturday was carrying an unlicensed firearm and was shot after a police pursuit where he and an accomplice ran from a police stop. Despite the language being used by some in the Black Lives Matter movement about this shooting, this does not appear to be racially motivated at all and looks to have been justified. This only furthers the statistical evidence showing that Black’s are not more likely to be killed by police officers than other races.

We Need to Stop the Incendiary Claims Surrounding Any Police Confrontation.

An Incendiary Claim by an ‘Anti-Racism’ Strategist

Claims like Tariq Nasheed’s only highlight the crazy rhetoric being thrown around social media these days. This shooting could have been many things — but it certainly was not an execution.

The Black Lives Matter movement is immediately going to their default position — lest any facts get in the way of their preconceived narrative. This is incredibly dangerous: How can police officers be expected to protect a community if any action they take while apprehending a violent criminal will put themselves, and their fellow officers at legal risk down the road and physical risk next time they are on the streets?

