Venezuela: the socialist paradise where women must sterilize themselves to avoid pregnancy.

TakeBack News
Published in
2 min readAug 30, 2016
Photo by Andrés E. Azpúrua (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Venezuela: the socialist paradise where women are sterilizing themselves to avoid pregnancy in a land where food and medicine are unavailable.

Here at TakeBack News, we have spent a lot of time covering Venezuela’s self-inflicted national implosion.

Venezuela, which was once the darling of the Left due to its extreme socialist policies, is experiencing complete economic collapse due to the inevitable failure of those socialist policies. Major food shortages are commonplace, toiletries like toothpaste and toilet paper are unavailable, the currency is worthless, and the Government is bankrupt.

With basic goods only available on the black market, violent crime is skyrocketing. As the people take to the streets to demand food, the police and military are using harsher and harsher means to quell food riots. The violence is made worse by the fact that Venezuelan hospitals are out of medicines and medical supplies.

In Venezuela’s zoos, animals were starving to death because there was no food to feed them…that is, until gangs of starving citizens began breaking into the zoos to eat the animals. Venezuelans are fleeing to neighboring Colombia by the hundreds of thousands.

Just when it seems things cannot get worse in Venezuela, some new development emerges to twist the knife deeper. Venezuelan women are now sterilizing themselves in droves, to avoid becoming pregnant in a country where food, medicine, baby clothes, and other supplies simply cannot be found.

It is easy to see why Venezuelan women feel compelled to take such drastic measures. Birth control is difficult to find due to the extreme shortages plaguing the country. Pharmaceuticals are almost impossible to obtain and hospitals are out of basic supplies — in a nation which already has one of the highest infant mortality rates in South America, the lack of medicine and supply can make pregnancy quite dangerous. Of course, if a healthy baby is born, a mother who is already struggling to feed and clothe herself would find it exceedingly difficult to keep a baby healthy and well-fed.

This is a truly sad development, and is a sign that the tragedy being inflicted upon the Venezuelan people by its socialist government has not yet run its awful course.

