Takinomics: Upgrading Web3 Gaming with Deflationary Rewards

An overview of Taki Games — Past, present, and future.

Weiwei Geng
Taki Games
4 min readDec 7, 2023


TAKI is getting bigger! We started as a social token project, but couldn’t ignore the massive opportunity in web3 games, so we launched a portfolio of mobile games with TAKI at the center. In addition, TAKI is expanding to Polygon with a new native token with redesigned tokenomics. TAKI is powering a player-earned mobile gaming network: Users earn TAKI rewards as they play, progressively transferring ownership to contributing players.

Unlike “play-to-earn” games which are infamously hyperinflationary, all TAKI reward emissions are deflationary thanks to our innovative tokenomic model: Takinomics.

Why Web3 Mobile Games?

The mobile gaming opportunity for Web3 is clear: The mobile gaming industry is massive, with $100B in annual revenue and 2B players worldwide; mobile devices are widespread, functioning naturally as hardware wallets, and are already popular for identity and payments; free-to-play mobile games with token rewards are a low-barrier and mass-appeal way to introduce web3.

Web3 gaming needs an upgrade: Web3 gaming urgently needs a better way to onboard gamers who aren’t crypto natives; to bring the game industry’s billions in revenue and spending power on-chain; and to use a tokenomic model that actually gives ownership to the most dedicated players.

The Taki Games team knows how to revolutionize gaming: The Taki Games team has spent over 15 years as pioneers in the gaming industry, beginning with the founding of Kabam, one of the earliest and biggest names in free-to-play gaming.

Deflationary Rewards — “Takinomics”

“Play-to-Earn” web3 games are infamously hyperinflationary, with unsustainable emissions triggering booms and busts. Takinomics flips the traditional “play-to-earn” model on its head, as all stakeholders benefit from more players earning more rewards.

In contrast, TAKI rewards are designed to be deflationary, thanks to Takinomics. For every TAKI emitted to players, an equal amount is bought back and burned by the project. Buybacks are funded with revenue generated by the games, bringing that revenue on-chain and fueling deflationary rewards. In this way, all TAKI rewards are accompanied by both net buy pressure and a reduction in circulating supply.

  1. Games generate revenue
  2. Revenue is used to buyback TAKI from the open market
  3. Circulating TAKI is burned to offset the reward emissions
  4. Players receive TAKI from the reserve pool based on the revenue they generate

Progressive Ownership

Decentralization is part of the ethos of web3, and our deflationary rewards model enables community members to progressively gain ownership without diluting early adopters. As players gradually acquire tokens, it gives them the opportunity to transition from consumers to stakeholders.

This progressive ownership model is championed by Variant Fund:

“Progressive ownership builds on progressive decentralization. This approach employs economic incentives in degrees to increase user loyalty and retention, step-by-step, culminating in ownership. Under this model, users are incentivized with revenue share income but can decide to trade individual income for tokens representing ownership of a proportional share of the community’s revenue.”

Migration to Polygon

We originally launched TAKI on Solana, and we’ve now added Native Polygon TAKI which is 1:1 with Solana TAKI with the same combined cap. Users can migrate their TAKI over to Polygon (more detail to come in a future post). We’re excited about Polygon for a number of reasons:

  1. We’re aligned with their mission of bringing crypto mainstream with proven business models
  2. We believe in the staying power of Ethereum and L2s as a scaling solution
  3. Polygon has impressive adoption with 360 thousand daily active wallets, 2 million daily transactions, and low user-friendly gas fees

Several of our games, including Deep Dive Rewards and Solitaire Plus+ Rewards are live and actively distributing player rewards on Polygon.

TAKI Token Supply

The total TAKI supply cap is 3 billion across all chains, with deflationary burn over time. DAO governance is driven by the TAKI token, making decisions for the token ecosystem.

Investors: Seed investors include CoinDCX, Coinbase Ventures, FTX, OKX Blockdream, Solana Ventures, Formless Capital, Gemini Frontier Fund, Luno Expeditions, Huobi Ventures, Kraken Ventures and Roka Works. 12 month cliff, 24 month linear vesting.

Team: Gaming industry veterans from Kabam and Riot Games, led by former Kabam executive Weiwei Geng, who is also joined by co-founder Kevin Chou, the founder of Kabam, Gen.G, Rally.io, and Forte. 15 month cliff, 48 month linear vesting.

Public Sale: Sold tokens directly to the public via our initial exchange offering (IEO) on OKX and Gate.io. These tokens were unlocked 3 months after the initial mint with the remainder unlocked at 12 months.

Ecosystem: Controlled by the DAO to support TAKI-wide initiatives like liquidity, marketing, developer grants, and exchange listings. 12 month linear vesting.

Community Distribution: Emitted to users via Taki Social for early adopters and community members who contributed to the ecosystem. 24 month linear vesting.

Deflationary Rewards are the heart of Takinomics. All tokens rewarded to players are accompanied by an equivalent buyback and burn.

We couldn’t be more excited about the future of TAKI. Join us as we reinvent web3 gaming:

