The Way In Which We Take Notes Gives Us Insight Into Who We Are

And How Glasp Is A Great Inspiration

Andy Sporring
Taking Notes


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

As a result of my study, I have discovered that we each take notes in a manner that reflects the characteristics of our individual personalities. Moreover, we also have our own views about what is of importance and why we believe it to be relevant, and that is our own personal viewpoint.

What We See As Important Differs

A good way to see how different we look at what’s important is the Social Web Highligtning Glasp that’s driven by the curators using the service to highlight, and annotate text from various online sources.

As well as being a fun and educational method of highlighting, the way these highlights and annotations work is also a way of curating content from the pages users find interesting. And I have found many new resources to help me get ideas, and content for my own writings, both here at Medium, in my Essays, and in my Newsletter.

When we read the same sentence, we usually highlight it, but it is not always a given. Sometimes we value totally different things, and then the knowledge that we have collected is increased just like that. Whenever I’m not using Glasp for highlighting, I visit the site and find interesting links and information…



Andy Sporring
Taking Notes

Multipassioned Creative Digital Writer | PKM & Notetaking Expert | Pod & Atomicaster | Composer | Author