Corpus Christi

A must-see city in “The Lone Star” state

Gerald Washington
Taking Off
Published in
7 min readFeb 19, 2022


Photo by Trac Vu on Unsplash

The state of Texas has a lot of interesting cities to see & explore.

Austin (the capital), Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, El Paso, Galveston, etc. Even the small towns throughout the state, feel like big cities with lots of green trees/land surrounding them.

One city that’s a must-see to visit in Texas, is Corpus Christi. When the weather is right, Corpus is amazing to look at.

A photo of North Beach by the Author

Getting there is a fun journey; if you’re traveling in a car. I live in San Antonio, so Corpus is a two-hour drive for me. I usually listen to music I have on the SoundCloud app or play music on YouTube, while I’m driving through a lot of farmland — before I reach my destination.

While I’m jamming & driving, I see beautiful fields & cows throughout my first hour of traveling. I’ll also see a billboard that says Trump-Pence on the right side of the road in an area that feels like it’s overrun by Trump supporters.

When I reach the second-hour mark, it’s most of the same, seeing more farmland & lots of trees. I start to believe that…



Gerald Washington
Taking Off

Just a curious writer trying to navigate a complex world. Sharing my words helps a lot with that.