Travelogue, Road Trip, National Parks

Southwestern Road Trip 2021: Overview

11-day tour covers 5 National Parks (Saguaro, White Sands, Carlsbad Caverns, Guadalupe Mountains, and Petrified Forest) and the Petroglyph National Monument

P. Venkat Raman
Taking Off
Published in
15 min readFeb 6, 2022


The Five National Parks on the 2021 Southwestern Road Trip
The Five National Parks on the Southwestern Road Trip

My wife and I just went on an 11-day southwestern road trip December 18–28 and visited 5 National Parks that we hadn’t visited before: Saguaro NP and Petrified Forest NP in Arizona, White Sands NP and Carlsbad Caverns NP in New Mexico, and Guadalupe Mountains NP in Texas. And added a bonus: The Petroglyph National Monument in Albuquerque, also never visited before.

[Quick Tip: Clicking on the description of any image below would bring up its hi-res version]

The map below shows the overall path we took during the trip. There were a few deviations, some planned and some not.

The complete route for the 11-day trip

The Road Trip Itinerary: Highlights

Below is a look at the whole trip. I intend to write companion stories that will expand on the visit to each park and other notable…



P. Venkat Raman
Taking Off

A tortoise among internet marketing hares. Slowly inching toward the goal.