15 Things to do When You Just Need to Unwind

Nea | Break Free to Be Free
Published in
11 min readJun 19, 2019
Photo from and edited with Canva

Can’t life be just a little too much? Oh, who am I kidding? Sometimes life is too much, where you would literally want to grab a bunch of food and snacks, get a good playlist going, hop in the car & just drive and go somewhere where no one knows your name and where you have no responsibilities, am I right? Mmhmm, yeah I know, I’ve been there, and I know I am not alone. Well, unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way, but I can tell you this, we may not be able to hop in the car and disappear, but there are things you can do to get close to that for just the right amount of time.

I have created a list of 15 things you can do and how long to do it for when you just need to unwind and disappear for just a little while. These are things I personally practice because although I work on resetting my mindset a lot, (because without that, I would really go crazy), I am only human and there are times where life and situations become just a little too much and I need to step away.

So, here are 15 things to do when you just need to unwind (there are affiliate links within this post, which means, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you)

Photo from Canva

Number 1: Go into a quiet room and write down what you are feeling; Time Frame: 20–30mins

If you enjoy writing, this could be a great exercise for you. When you write down what took place that day, what you are feeling and why you are feeling overwhelmed, it helps you vent without someone talking back. Sometimes all we want is to just say what we have to say and then drop it and move on. Writing down what it is you’re feeling is the perfect way to do that! You don’t have to write properly, you don’t have to worry about what you say and how you say it, you can be completely honest and just let your feelings spill on that piece of paper or 30 pages depending on how overwhelmed or stressed you are feeling. Doing this for 20–30 mins will allow you to get everything out and meditate and breathe for a few minutes. Doing this, you are allowing yourself to vent and reset. This can help change your mood drastically. Here are a few journals that you may find helpful in this exercise! (Click on whichever one you feel the most connected to and get your copy today!)

The 5 Second Journal: The Best Daily Journal and Fastest Way to Slow Down, Power up, and Get Sh*t Done

Tree of Life Journal

Self-Care: Night and Day Reflection Journal

My Prayer Journal

It may be hard to find a quiet place to go depending on your living situation, so here are a few places you can go, some might be silly, but hey, it will do the trick:

Bathroom (yes, I said bathroom, hey it’s my quiet place sometimes)
Sit in the tub
Laundry room

Just a few places you can go, get creative, do what you have to do to get your mind right

Number 2: Clean; Time Frame: 30–60 mins

Clean? oh yes, you’d be surprised by how calming and freeing it feels to get your house clean. While cleaning, you are breathing, letting out your frustrations and meditating without even realizing it. You may ask, how do I clean if I got a house full of people? Well, Either you kick everyone out, send them out to dinner, send them out to do something else instead of driving you nuts in the house, and when the house is clear start cleaning, put some music on, clean in your underwear, dance around while you’re cleaning the windows, whatever makes you feel better, just do it. Or if it is late and it is almost bedtime, wait until everyone is asleep and get your clean on, okay you may not be able to clean in your underwear because people are home, but it will still have the same effect if you choose to do this one.

Number 3: Take a bath; Time Frame: 30–45mins

Again, if you have a full house, kick them out, send them to dinner, or wait until the house is asleep. Taking a bath with warm water, bath salts, bath bomb, lavender bubble bath, candles, nice, soft music, can be the most relaxing, getaway in the world. Sit in the tub, lay your head back, soak in the warm water, breathe in the soothing scents, close your eyes, and let go of those negative feelings and meditate on positive ones.
Doing this for 30–45mins will be good for your body and your soul, sure your fingers and toes may get pruney, but at least you will be feeling good.

Photo from Canva

Number 4: Take yourself on a date; Time Frame: For as long as you can or need to (but at least 30mins)

Taking yourself on a date is showing empowerment, it is allowing you to get to know yourself, to spend time alone and to just enjoy the quiet. Take yourself to your favorite restaurant, to the park, to the movies, or going through a drive-thru and eating in your car. It doesn’t matter where you go, just take yourself somewhere and enjoy YOU for a moment. I have done this many times and I just want to tell you that every time that I do this, I feel so good about myself, I feel like I released what I needed to, and I am fed and happy. Taking yourself on a date is vital in getting to know who you are and allowing yourself to be okay alone when you need to be.

Number 5: Getting a good nap in or a good nights rest; Time Frame: Nap (30min-2hrs) Nights rest (7–8hrs)

Depending on what time of day it is, you either need a good nap to just rest and release, or you need to go to sleep early or if you are able to, you need to sleep in. Getting rest is vital for the health of your body and your mind. If you don’t rest, your mind doesn’t rest, which means your body doesn’t rest and when you don’t rest, then you are on edge and stress will bring you down so easily and so quickly. So, you just need to slow down and relax. The reality is, if you want a calmer life, you have to put in the work to create it. If you want it, you will find the time. I understand life is hectic and sometimes it is more than hard to just get away, but there is time, you just have to prioritize and make time for everything, trust me, it’s manageable, you just have to learn how to do it.

Number 6: Go for a drive; Time Frame: (30–60mins)

Now, you may not be able to hop in your car and drive far, far, far away, but it can be very healthy to hop in your car and drive at least around the block or a bit further to clear your head. You can grab some snacks, go get some ice cream or a smoothie, put on some good music, and just drive. Enjoy the scenery, go drive somewhere where you can see a pretty view and sit there, relax, breathe and reflect. This will allow you time to be alone and enjoy it. When you take these moments, you are allowing time to slow down, if you keep going from situation to situation and not allowing breathing time, well, then you are just asking for a disaster and burn-out. You need to allow yourself time to stop for a moment, it’s important and it’s necessary.

Number 7: Listen to a podcast Time Frame: (30–45mins)

When you listen to motivational and inspirational speeches it tends to ease your mind and connect with the positive words you are listening to. We need to consistently fill our minds with positive words because the more we do that, the less room there is for negative thoughts and feelings. Positive words and affirmations are food for the mind and soul and the most important time to listen to them is when we are vulnerable which is when we need it the most. We tend to listen, be more open to change, allow adjustments, and be more inspired when we listen at sensitive times.

Here are some keywords you can type in when searching for a podcast:



Taking a break





Number 8: Read a Daily Devotional\Daily Affirmations Time Frame: (30 mins)

If you are a reader, then this is the exercise just for you (Either search for daily devotionals or daily affirmations to order online or in the store or search for an app). These are positive words that motivate you and inspire you. There is a reason for everything, when you read scripture or affirmations you tend to have a more understanding of that. I know when I stick to my routine of doing a devotional every morning or night, I don’t put it down not feeling comforted. I know that everything is going to be alright and sometimes I just need a reminder. Make it a habit and you will start seeing a difference in your soul and mind and then you will start seeing that amazing shift happen in your life. Here is a list of daily devotionals or daily affirmations that can help bring you comfort, motivation, and understanding. (Click on whichever one you feel the most connected to and get your copy today!)

Daily Devotionals

Trusting God Day by Day: 365 Daily Devotions

The Confident Woman Devotional

Power Thoughts Devotional

Battlefield of the Mind Devotional

Daily Affirmations

Power Thoughts

I Can Do It 2019 Calendar: 365 Daily Affirmations

Positive Affirmations: Daily Affirmations for Attracting Health, Healing, & Happiness Into Your Life

Happiness- One Day at a Time: Inspiring Thoughts, Meditations, Daily Affirmations

Number 9: Get a massage; Time frame: (30–60mins)

If you are able to, you can go get a massage for as low as $20, I mean I know It depends on where you are located, but it is possible. A massage can do wonders. Between their combination of soothing music, oils, and mood lighting, it is a calming, comforting atmosphere that already has you feeling calm right when you walk in. Not to mention, they are loosening tight muscles, especially in your neck and shoulders where you usually hold a lot of tension. Going to get a massage by myself is one of the most relaxing things I have ever discovered and I usually implement this exercise when I feel the most stressed.

Number 10: Do your nails or go get your nails done; Time Frame: (30–45mins)

You don’t have to spend a bunch of money to do a little self-care. You can either go buy your favorite nail polish color or you can go get a mani/pedi. When you do this, you are focusing on the pampering and not dwelling on an overwhelming day. Doing something to make you feel pretty is something that usually works like a charm. I always feel like a new woman when I make my fingernails and toenails look a bit brighter.

Photo from Canva

Number 11: Go for a walk; Time Frame: (30–45mins)

You want to do this in the daylight or in a safe environment, but go take a walk. Sometimes going for a walk can easily help you clear your mind. Either put some music in your ears and go for a walk or go for a walk without music, either way, just go. It helps you inhale and exhale and work out your thoughts and your feelings. This is also another way you meditate without even realizing that you are.

Number 12: Go to the gym; Time Frame: (30–60mins)

Working out is not only good for the health of your body, but it is also good for your mind as well. You don’t have to lift weights, you can walk on the treadmill, go do some squats, sit in the sauna, all of these things can relax your body and your mind. I know after a gym sesh, I am feeling strong, healthier, and I get the best sleep at night when I work out. Sometimes dropping everything and going straight to the gym can help you sort out your emotions and have you feeling in control and back on top.

Number 13: Sit in silence; Time Frame: (30 mins)

Sometimes sitting somewhere where there is no noise, no distractions is the best thing you can do for your sanity. Pray, vent, meditate, inhale and exhale. These are all things you should be doing while you are sitting in silence. I have had days where I had such a headache and I was so overwhelmed, sitting alone was the best thing for me. I was able to turn off life for a moment, hide, and just think for a second without any stress. Being alone sometimes with no noise is the best thing for you. Just give it a try, it may be the best thing for you.

Number 14: Family Night; Time Frame: (as long as you have)

Sometimes sitting somewhere where there is no noise, no distractions is the best thing you can do for your sanity. Pray, vent, meditate, inhale and exhale. These are all things you should be doing while you are sitting in silence. I have had days where I had such a headache and I was so overwhelmed, sitting alone was the best thing for me. I was able to turn off life for a moment, hide, and just think for a second without any stress. Being alone sometimes with no noise is the best thing for you. Just give it a try, it may be the best thing for you.

Number 15: Having a girls night; Time Frame: (as long as you need it)

Get with your girls and have a girls night. Do each other’s nails, hair, watch movies, drink wine, play games, treat it like you are in middle school again having a sleepover. Now that we are older, we can finally add wine to the mix. But have you ever just done facials, nails, drink wine with your girls and feel totally miserable? I know I haven’t. It has been a totally fun, stress-free night for me whenever I have a girls night. Sometimes, that is exactly what you need!

Now, these steps won’t get rid of all your problems but it will help you unwind, re-center your focus and help you figure your next step. Sometimes as life gets stressful, we don’t always think logically and we start stressing about things we can’t control. But when you actually stop and focus on other things or at least meditate, then you are allowing yourself to stand back and realized that the only thing you can control is how you react and what your next move is. Know yourself and when you need to unwind. I hope this list helps you when you need it.

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Nea | Break Free to Be Free

Break free from the mental and emotional chains from past trauma and anxiety! You deserve freedom!