Can owning a dog make you healthier?

Takl Staff
Published in
4 min readAug 8, 2019

You already know that dog is man’s best friend, but becoming a pet parent can offer more than companionship. Owning a dog can actually help you achieve your health goals. Read on to learn more!


Need an extra push to get out and do your daily walk around the neighborhood? Get a dog that loves walks. If she’s anything like mine, you shouldn’t even use the word “walk” within earshot without leash in hand. She’ll follow you like a shadow, grumbling in dog-speak until you take her out. When you own a dog, you’ve got a live-in walking buddy and exercise-accountability partner.


As you walk around the block, you’ll probably come across neighbors and other pet owners, too. Whether you just smile and say hello or you strike up a conversation, you’ll have a chance to get to know your neighbors better. You can also make friends by taking your dog to the park or for a walk around a pet-friendly building. Studies show that socializing can positively impact your mental health and wellbeing. Venturing out with your pup can help break the ice.


This Takl user found a Provider to install this pet door.

Exercise can seem boring and repetitive at times, but if you make it a game, you can focus more on fun while still getting fit. Energetic pups love playing chase or keep-away in the yard. It’s a great way for you both to get outside and run around. One thing you don’t want to worry about is dodging “landmines” left in your grass. There’s an easy way to eliminate that distraction — set up Pet Waste Removal as a Recurring chore on Takl to have a Provider periodically pick up after your pooch. Free up your afternoon to enjoy more playtime in a clear yard. You can also find a Provider to install a pet door so your dog can come and go as she pleases.


There’s a reason you can sit for hours and hours watching videos of puppies on Youtube. Dogs make us happy. No matter how bad a day you’ve had, you can come home to someone who’s always glad to see you. How could that welcoming smile not warm your heart?

Adjustments to your Routine

Owning a dog can greatly enrich your life and help you make positive changes. There are a few adjustments to your routine you’ll want to keep in mind, though. If your new pet lives indoors and tends to shed, you’ll need to increase how often you vacuum. A robotic vacuum cleaner can help cut down on hair day to day, but you’ll still need to do a more thorough cleaning to really get things in shape. You can book cleaning help on Takl for chores as small as vacuuming one particular room to chores as big as cleaning the entire house. You can also set up Recurring cleanings for periodic help.

You might also need to change out your air filters on a more frequent basis. Find help for that, too, right from your phone with Takl.

The occasional mess is a small price to pay for the unconditional love and affection owning a dog can provide. Together, you and your pup can enjoy a happy, healthy life.

Adopting a rescue dog? Learn how to help your rescue feel right at home with these tips.

