Firebase remote config 101 easy way.

Non-Poppin Jid
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2023

What’s firebase remote config?

´A cloud service that lets you change the behavior and appearance of your app without requiring users to download an app update.

How does it work?

´Remote Config includes a client library that handles important tasks like fetching parameter values and caching them, while still giving you control over when new values are activated so that they affect your app’s user experience. This lets you safeguard your app experience by controlling the timing of any changes.

Get Start

´Go to

´Add new project

Welcome to firebase console

´Go to Build → Remote config

´Create configuration

´Create parameter and default value and save it.

´When you update data don’t forget to Publish changes every time.

How to setting your mobile project?

Select you platform.

Get your Package name (Android) or Bundle name (iOS) form your project.


Add Firebase to your Android App

Add some code in build.gradle.kts

id("") version "4.3.15" apply false

Add Firebase to your iOS App

Add some code in AppDelegate

import FirebaseCore


Your app already done.

Create your config, Enjoy.







Non-Poppin Jid

Android & IOS Developer at MACO , Member DManiac MegaCrew Thailand — >>