TALE: Possible Themes v.s. Possible Books

Oliver Ding
Published in
3 min readJul 14, 2023


A short note

I often curate my mind by diagramming with pictures, text, and signs. On June 14, 2023, I made the above diagram to represent my recent mental focus.

The diagram represents a network of recent projects. The diagram was made with four thematic spaces, four themes, and one framework. The framework is the basic model of the Ecological Practice approach which features the following concepts:

  • Container / Containee
  • Event
  • Offers / Acts
  • Attach / Detach

The “Attach — Event — Detach” schema echoes a time structure: Before — Event — After. It connects to the following thematic spaces:

  • Attach: Early Discovery (ED)
  • Detach: Slow Cognition (SC)
  • Offers: Ecological Formism (EF)
  • Acts: Fast Ignition (FI)

We can also find four projects in these thematic spaces:

  • The “Frame for Work” project > Offers
  • The “Strategic Thematic Exploration” project > Attach
  • The “Creative Life Curation” project > Detach
  • The “Mental Moves” project > Acts

In Nov 2022, I finished a book (draft) titled Creative Life Curation: Turning Life Experiences into Meaningful Achievements.

In Jan 2023, the “Frame for Work” theme was born (1, 2).

In Feb 2023, my mental focus was “Developing Knowledge Frameworks” (1, 2) which led to the “Strategic Thematic Exploration” project.

In March 2023, I started working on the “Mental Moves” knowledge project (1, 2).

This was my journey of knowledge engagement in the past several months.

Today I made a new version of the above diagram.

What’s the difference between the old version and the new version?

I used a new picture to replace an old picture.

The old picture was used to represent a possible theme with the TALE logo.

On June 23, I edited a Table of Content for a possible book titled Thematic Exploration: The Early Discovery of Knowledge Engagement.

The new picture represents a possible book. I didn’t add the TALE logo to the picture. However, you can see my name there.

I intended to make this distinction between possible themes and possible books. On Feb 7, 2023, I wrote a post about a possible theme called “Business as Engagement” with the following picture.

On March 2, 2023, I edited a TOC for a possible book titled Perspectives on Product Engagement: Theory-based Reflection.

You can see the same principle: the TALE logo is replaced with my name.



Oliver Ding

Founder of CALL(Creative Action Learning Lab), information architect, knowledge curator.