Let’s chat with Richard Littledale

TaleHunt Blog
Published in
2 min readMay 3, 2016

Richard Littledale is a Baptist Minister, writer and broadcaster. He writes books for adults on storytelling, preaching and communication; and has written numerous children’s stories. His next children’s story, ‘The Littlest Star’ is published by Lion Children’s in October.

Now let’s chat with Richard Littledale.

Richard Littledale

Q. What motivate you to start writing?

A. I grew up in a home with books all around the walls, and was taught to love reading from my earliest years. As soon as I learned to write, I loved to do it creatively. Human beings are storytelling creatures — it is in our DNA. I love to tap into that to fire the mind, feed the imagination, and effect change.

Q. How was your first writing experience?

A. I can remember winning a Year 2 primary school competition on writing about Harvest. After that, a course on narrative preaching eventually led to my first book contract. My publisher read my material and said “we love your writing — what would you like to write about”?

Q. Your favorite 3 books?

A. So many to choose from. I love ‘The Shack’ by William P young. I love ‘Old Ways’ by Professor Roberat MacFarlane. There is a new stream of nature writers emerging in the UK too, with writers such as Melissa Harrison amongst them.

Q. You favorite quote?

A. “Story is the one permanent means of conveying information in the history of the human race” - Merrylin Williams

Q. Your advice to aspiring writers?

A. Write from the heart, and write about things that matter to you. Also, be prepared to exercise your writing muscle. Try writing a description of the sunset tonight. If it doesn’t evoke it for you tomorrow — keep repeating the exercise until it does.

Follow Richard Littledale on TaleHunt app to read his interesting very short stories. http://talehunt.com/u/richardl



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