Let’s chat with T.L. Bishop

TaleHunt Blog
Published in
2 min readApr 29, 2016

T.L. Bishop is the author of “To Sleep” an young adult novella set in Ireland and Alabama. This is T.L. Bishop’s first published work and is published with Gray Sky Publishing Company.

Now let’s chat with T.L. Bishop

T.L. Bishop

Q. What motivated you to start writing?

A. My children motivated me to start writing! My son gave me the idea of my book TO SLEEP. I told him to “go to sleep” one day. He replied with, “Go where mama?” It made me think, what if sleep was a place we could go?

Q. How was your first writing experience?

A. My first writing experience was in high school. We had a homework assignment to write a fiction story using the Greek gods. My story was long and the class made our teacher read my story over a several days and they loved it. It really boosted my confidence.

Q. Your favorite 3 books?

A. My favorite three books are the Bible because that’s where my faith comes from. The Harry Potter series. JK is my inspiration. And Louisa May Alcott’s An Old Fashion Girl.

Q. Your favorite quote?

A. My favorite quote about writing is, “Writing is as close to magic as I’ll ever get.

Q. Your advice to aspiring writers?

A. My advice to aspiring authors is, do not pay anyone to publish your book. Either traditionally publish or publish yourself. And…never give up! If you want it go after it wholeheartedly!

Follow T.L. Bishop on TaleHunt app to read her interesting very short stories. http://talehunt.com/u/tlbishop



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