What the World’s Most Successful Entrepreneurs Know About Education

Adam Dorfman | CEO at TAP
Published in
3 min readSep 29, 2018
networking in the digital age

When we looked more closely at big players in the new economy, we’ve uncovered something interesting.

In our research, we have realized that more than 85% of all jobs are acquired through networking and that many of the most successful people take a non-linear path to skill development and education.

Skills and Networks

It’s no secret that America’s three of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs dropped out of college and invested in themselves and a vision, rather than in formal education. For Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, and Mark Zuckerberg, the decision required courage, determination, and a totally different sort of thinking.

When we look more closely at big players in the new economy, we find that few have chosen straightforward paths through formal education. For so many of those who find success in tech, non-linear pathways are the norm.

It makes sense, of course. After all, shouldn’t an innovator choose an uncommon path to reach a deeper level of understanding? There’s no textbook to stay at the edges of knowledge and understanding. Innovative paths are almost antithetical to formal education, which upon closer inspection looks more like a factory line than a system of learning. The formal education factory decides the when, where and how you reach your education goals. No more, no less. And its rigid structure lacks the flexibility to explore, discover, and find new ways to engage with the world. The products of the factory — graduates — often lack the ability to explore, including the hybrid thinking needed to start Microsoft, Oracle, and Facebook.

Where to Get Right Skills?

Now, with tech moving faster than ever, our over reliance on formal education is coming into question. For good reason. According to the Strada-Gallup 2017 College Student Survey based on 32,000 responses, only a third of students believe they will graduate with the skills and knowledge to be successful in the job market (34%) and in the workplace (36%) and just half (53%) believe their major will lead to a good job.

They are right to be concerned. There is a growing skills gap and colleges have simply not caught up. Students graduate with few job prospects yet increasingly heavy debt loads.

Developing a passion, and learning to decide when, where and how to reach a goal requires the strategic thinking and network management tools that do not exist inside our traditional educational models. There’s a growing need for people find the companies that best align with their purpose and motivations in life. There’s a growing need for new forms of educational programs and lifelong learning.

Professionals require more autonomy and options to get the hybrid skills needed in today’s digital economy. The world is changing and the way we manage our professional relationship and access education is also changing.

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Adam Dorfman | CEO at TAP

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