5 Daily Scares Crypto Holders Fear More Than Halloween

Published in
3 min readOct 31, 2018

By Pon Swee Man

Source: Talenta

1. Waking Up to Nothing


Yesterday you had enough to buy a Lamborghini. Today, you’re watching your money nose dive.

2. You HODL But It Keeps Dipping


Some call it perseverance against odds, others call it HODL, or Hold On Dear Life — the act of holding onto your crypto when times are tough and prices are plummeting. Others call it waiting too long — it’s all about perspective!

3. Watching Others Ditch the Ship


Be it Exit Scams, dumping or a loss in confidence, ship ditching is a common occurrence in the crypto world. Especially when you realise that the coin you’ve invested in is labeled a “shitcoin” and people are dumping their coins in droves, dipping the value even further…

4. The “I Should Have Held On” Regret


After months of lull, you’ve finally stopped HODL-ing and threw in the towel. The next thing you know, cryptocurrency values are soaring again and you’ve just landed the worst case of FOMO regret.

5. A Sinking Ship


All hope is lost; so is your money. Your heart may or may not be able to go on after this shock.

Brace Yourself for Halloween #EveryDamnDay with Cryptocurrency


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