Published in
5 min readMay 7, 2019

Tuesday, 7 May 2019


In addition to launching a custody service, Fidelity Investments appears set to debut Bitcoin (BTC) trading for institutional clients. The news comes amid reports of Ameritrade and E-Trade quietly testing BTC trading on their respective platforms.

[Source: Bitcoinist] ✩✩✩✩✩

2. ethereum [ETH]: CFTC senior official hints that agency is “comfortable” with ETH Futures

In what could be a massive move for the cryptocurrency market, futures contracts of the top altcoin, Ether, could likely be approved by the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission [CFTC].

A senior official at the regulatory body told a media outlet that the CFTC is “willing to approve an ether futures contract provided it ticks all the right boxes.” With the December 2017 roll-out of Bitcoin [BTC] futures contract by the CBOE and the CME setting the market alight, the ether contract could have major implications.

[Source: AMBCrypto] ✩✩✩✩

3. Over 1.17 Million Transactions Settled On Bitcoin Cash Blockchain In April, Half From One Wallet

The recent revelation by I am Nomad, a Twitter user, and cryptocurrency enthusiast, on the number of Bitcoin Cash transactions in the past month reveals a striking fact. One account on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain is responsible for close to half of the total transactions in the past month. This is raising a number of questions across the cryptocurrency communities as critics bash the dominance of one account on a public blockchain.

[Source: Bitcoinexchangeguide] ✩✩✩✩

4. Pieter Wuille Unveils Two Proposals for Upcoming Bitcoin Privacy Soft Fork

Prolific bitcoin developer Pieter Wuille unveiled two Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIP) today that offer plans that could prove foundational to a possible upgrade to the cryptocurrency.

The two proposals, announced on the bitcoin developer email list, describe Taproot, a code change designed to increase bitcoin’s privacy. Taproot is expected to be bundled together with an upgrade called Schnorr in a soft fork that developers have been looking into for some time, paving the way for privacy and scalability improvements to bitcoin.

[Source: Coindesk] ✩✩✩

5. Bitfinex exchange purged from CoinMarketCap calculations

The embattled Bitfinex exchange is forced to deal with the hard truth of being removed from CoinMarketCap’s data calculations. The parent company of both Bitfinex and Tether Ltd has in the past week been on the spotlight following a case filed by the New York City Attorney General’s office.

[Source: FXStreet] ✩✩✩

6. Report: Ether Transaction Volume on DApps Registers New All-Time-High

Ether (ETH) volumes on decentralized applications (DApps) have registered a new high, but new DApps coming on-chain are significantly low, crypto analytics firm Diar reported on May 6.

The volume of ether transacted in April on DApps broke the previous record which was set last December by a small margin. This, Diar notes, marks a four-month growth trend in on-chain volumes, with 776,000 ETH transacted.

[Source: Cointelegraph] ✩✩✩

7. TRON Foundation’s Super Amazing Next-Gen Blockchain Risked Being Crashed by Single PC

According to The Next Web and explosive data from HackerOne, a security bounty website, a single computer could have shut down the Tron network by draining the cryptocurrency network’s resources.

[Source: CCN] ✩✩✩✩

8. Moscow Student Councils Plan to Pilot Blockchain E-Voting in June

Authorities of Moscow are planning to pilot blockchain-based electronic voting in university student council elections in late June 2019, establishing methods that the city’s mayoral election may be next to apply, Russian news agency TASS reported on May 6.

[Source: Cointelegraph] ✩✩✩

9. FCC Eyes Blockchain to Better Manage Scarce Wireless Spectrums

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) could one day use blockchain to monitor and manage wireless spectrums to support the growing requirements of the internet of things (IoT).

With Juniper Research predicting that there will be 50 billion connected IoT devices and sensors by 2022, the agency is keen to find a way to manage the required radio frequencies more efficiently and transparently.

[Source: Coindesk] ✩✩✩✩

10. Microsoft teams up with Starbucks Coffee on predictive drive-thru ordering and bean-to-cup blockchain

Starbucks is quickly becoming as much a tech company as a coffee company, but that hasn’t stopped its leadership from turning to a familiar Seattle ally to up its digital bonafides.

Yesterday (6 May) at Microsoft’s Build developers conference, the two companies ran down a series of initiatives they are working on together. The new projects include everything from using machine learning to gather customer preferences, to connecting coffeemakers in stores to the internet to blockchain services for tracing coffee.

[Source: Geekwire] ✩✩✩

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