Published in
4 min readApr 10, 2019

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

1. US Legislators Reintroduce Token Taxonomy Act to Exclude Crypto From Securities Laws

Representatives in the United States House of Representatives have reintroduced the Token Taxonomy Act, according to a press release shared with Cointelegraph on April 9. The bill would exclude cryptocurrency from being classified as a security.

[Source: Cointelegraph] ✩✩✩✩✩

2. Michigan House of Representatives Votes to Include Cryptocurrencies in Criminal Laws

The Michigan House of Representatives has passed a bill, HB 4102, on April 9 that would include cryptocurrencies in criminal codes regarding illegal actions for financial gain.

Michigan lawmakers have voted to introduce amendments to various sections of the Michigan Penal Code, specifying that cryptocurrency would be included in provisions relating to money laundering, embezzlement, credit card fraud and financial transactions involving the proceeds of a criminal offense.

[Source: Cointelegraph] ✩✩✩✩

3. NY State Financial Regulator Grants Virtual Currency License To Bitstamp

The New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) has granted a virtual currency license to Bitstamp USA Inc., a subsidiary of Bitstamp Ltd., authorizing the company to offer crypto trading services in the state of New York.

[Source: Coinjournal] ✩✩✩✩

4. China, home to the world’s biggest cryptocurrency mining farms, now wants to ban them completely

China’s top economic body The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on Monday unveiled amendments to its guidance for adjustments to the nation’s industrial structure, including categories that are encouraged, restricted and eliminated. Cryptocurrency mining was included among sectors to be eliminated immediately. The new list is under public consultation until May 7.

[Source: South China Morning Post] ✩✩✩✩

5. Securitize.io Launches Token Compliance Program

Securitize, a compliance platform and protocol for token issuers backed by United States crypto exchange Coinbase, is launching its Securitize Ready Program, according to a press release shared with Cointelegraph on April 9.

Per the announcement, the program includes such industry majors as Coinbase Custody, OpenFinance, Rialto Trading, CBlock Capital and others. Users of the Securitize Ready Program will be able to use the various services offered by the partner firms to issue security tokens on the Securitize platform.

[Source: Cointelegraph] ✩✩✩

6. Facebook Reportedly Raising Up to $1 Billion for Its Big Move Into Crypto

Nathaniel Popper, technology reporter at the New York Times, tells his 37,700 Twitter followers that, according to his sources, Facebook is targeting big sums from outside investors for its cryptocurrency initiative.

[Source: TheDailyHodl] ✩✩✩

7. Major Web Browser Firefox by Mozilla Now Blocks Web-Based Cryptojacking

Major open-source browser Mozilla Firefox has launched new protections against crypto mining malware in its new browser versions, according to a blog post published on April 9.

In its latest Firefox Nightly 68 and Beta 67 versions, Mozilla has enabled a new level of protection against crypto mining and fingerprinting hack attacks in a part of the browser’s Content Blocking suite of protections.

[Source: Cointelegraph] ✩✩✩

8. Digital Asset Is Writing Code to Help ISDA Standardize Derivatives Data

Enterprise blockchain company Digital Asset is working with the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) to develop software meant to ease adoption of the trade group’s potentially cost-slashing data standards.

Announced Tuesday night in New York, the reference code library is intended to help developers implement ISDA’s Common Domain Model (CDM) in solutions for trading and managing derivatives. The software is written in DAML, the smart contract language created — and recently open-sourced — by Digital Asset.

[Source: Coindesk] ✩✩✩

9. Bitfinex Drops Minimum Balance to Trade on Crypto Exchange

Bitfinex has removed its $10,000 minimum equity requirement to start trading on the cryptocurrency exchange, enabling a broader range of investors to participate.

The company, based in the British Virgin Islands, cited “overwhelming demand from a wide variety of traders” for the change.

[Source: Coindesk] ✩✩✩

10. Gibraltar Stock Exchange Launches Listings of Blockchain-Based Securities

The Gibraltar Stock Exchange (GSX) is launching listings of blockchain-powered securities on its practical listing venue GSX Global Market, the firm announced on April 9.

Today, the GSX starts listing a number of new products known as digital, smart or tokenized securities such as corporate bonds, convertible bonds, asset-backed securities, derivative securities, open-ended funds and closed-ended funds, the announcement says.

[Source: Cointelegraph] ✩✩✩✩

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