Published in
5 min readJul 18, 2019

Thursday, 18 July 2019

1. Facebook signals Libra cryptocurrency plans will move forward

US lawmakers have called on Facebook to temporarily halt the development of a new cryptocurrency, but an executive for the social network signaled on Wednesday that the company still plans to move forward with the project.

Several lawmakers who sit on the US House Committee on Financial Services asked Facebook’s blockchain boss, David Marcus, if the company would agree to a moratorium on Libra until Congress and regulators can examine concerns around cryptocurrency. While Marcus said the social media giant would “take the time to get this right,” he stopped short of agreeing to a moratorium.

[Source: Cnet] ✩✩✩✩

2. G7 finance chiefs pour cold water on Facebook’s digital coin plans

Group of Seven finance chiefs cast a cloud over prospects for Facebook’s Libra digital coin on Wednesday, insisting tough regulatory problems would have to be worked out first.

The massive social media company’s plan to launch a digital coin has met with a chorus from regulators, central bankers and governments saying it must respect anti-money-laundering rules and ensure the security of transactions and user data. But there are also deeper concerns that the powers of big tech companies increasingly encroach on areas belonging to governments, like issuing currency.

[Source: Reuters] ✩✩✩✩

3. Coinbase launches tool that analyses ‘trading signals’

Coinbase, the cryptocurrency exchange, has launched a tool offering customers insights based on the trading activity of its top users. The California-based company, valued at more than $8bn in October, is among the biggest trading venues for cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin, the best-known digital coin.

Max Branzburg, head of consumer product, said the “trading signals” feature, which has launched globally on both the Coinbase website and its mobile app, would help customers “make more informed decisions” in crypto trading.

[Source: FinancialTimes] ✩✩✩✩

4. Swiss Data Agency Claims No Contact with Facebook Over Libra

David Marcus told Congress on Tuesday that the FDPIC would oversee data protection and security for Libra. Swiss agency claims to have had no contact with Facebook.

[Source: CryptoGlobe] ✩✩✩✩

5. Crypto Enthusiast, Alexis Ohanian of Reddit, Leads $3.75 Million Round in Horizon Games

Horizon Games on July 17 revealed that Alexis Ohanian, the co-founder of Reddit and husband of lawn tennis great Serena Williams is leading the raise of $3.75 million in seed funding to take on ‘’Magic: The Gathering’’ and Hearthstone.’’

The funding is also getting high-level support from some of the biggest names in the industry, such as Coinbase Ventures, Polychain Capital, Inovia Capital and other exchanges within the crypto space.

[Source: BitcoinExchangeGuide] ✩✩✩


Grayscale recently released its Digital Asset Investment Report for the second quarter of 2019. The company marks a notable increase in the investment into its products, the majority of which are coming from institutional players.

[Source: Bitcoinist] ✩✩✩

7. ethereum 2.0 Phase 1 Spec Freeze Estimated For Autumn

Ethereum developers have stated the specification freeze for phase 1 of ethereum 2.0 may occur during the 3rd or 4th quarter of this year.

“I think we can do end of Q3!” — Vitalik Buterin, ethereum’s founder, said during an ask me anything session.

[Source: TrustNodes] ✩✩✩

8. Grin Cryptocurrency Executes First Hard Fork

Privacy-oriented cryptocurrency Grin has just executed its first backward-incompatible upgrade, also called a hard fork.

Today’s planned upgrade introduces key changes to the nearly $60-million network that will optimize for maximum miner decentralization and usability. Grin launched in January 2019.

[Source: Coindesk] ✩✩✩

9. tZERO makes new management appointments

Overstock’s security token platform subsidiary tZERO has filled management positions.

The company announced three new hires. Brooke Navarro has become Head of Issuance, Michael Mougias is the new Head of Investor Relations while Alexandra Sotiropoulos was named Head of Communications.

[Source: TheBlock] ✩✩✩

10. McDonald’s, Nestlé and Virgin Media enter media blockchain pilot

Major brands have signed up for the Joint Industry Committee for Web Standards (Jicwebs) blockchain trial. McDonald’s, Virgin Media and Nestle have joined the organisation’s blockchain pilot, The Drum writes. The companies are going to measure how blockchain technology can be used to increase trust and transparency in digital advertising.

The pilot will last until the end of this year. The first phase of the trials aims to check how blockchain can affect advertising. In the future, it will work on how blockchain can be used to “optimise the supply chain and gain operational efficiencies for all involved.”

[Source: TheBlock] ✩✩✩

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