Published in
4 min readMay 10, 2019

Friday, 10 May 2019

1. Facebook May Announce FB Coin Stablecoin in Q3, Say Anonymous Sources

Social networking giant Facebook is hiring PayPal staff ahead of its alleged cryptocurrency launch, Bloomberg reported on May 8.

Facebook, which has courted rumors over its planned entry into blockchain and payments for around a year, could launch its own token as soon as Q3 2019, anonymous sources told the publication.

[Source: Cointelegraph] ✩✩✩✩✩

2. SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce Concerned Crypto Industry Hindered by Regulatory Delays

Hester M. Peirce, a member of the Securities and Exchange Commission, is worried that the regulator is moving too slowly for the crypto ecosystem.

Addressing fellow regulators at the Securities Enforcement Forum in Palo Alto, California (the heart of Silicon Valley) on Monday, Peirce said that one year ago she was concerned that the SEC “as one of [the token market’s] potential regulators, would stifle its growth.”

[Source: Coindesk] ✩✩✩✩✩

3. US Lawmakers Form Fintech Task Force to Examine Industry

The United States House of Representatives Financial Services Committee has passed a resolution to form the Task Force on Financial Technology, according to a press release by the committee on May 9. The new task force purports to “examine the current legal framework for fintech, how fintech is used in lending and how consumers engage with fintech.”

[Source: Cointelegraph] ✩✩✩✩✩

4. Binance transfers USDT worth $8 million to new cold wallet after recent hack

On April 09, 2019, 12:35 UTC, Binance transferred a total of 8 million Tethers [USDT] to their new cold wallet. Binance’s recent hack cost the exchange 7000 BTCs worth $40 million.

[Source: AMBCrypto] ✩✩✩✩

5. Liechtenstein’s Government Passes New Regulation Concerning Blockchain and Tokens

The government of Liechtenstein announced that it has passed new tokenization, virtual asset service provider and blockchain regulation in a press release published on May 8.

Per the release, the new Token and VT Service Providers Act, passed on May 7, aims to improve investor protection, combat money laundering and establish clarity. The announcement also cites tokenized securities and how digital token systems can be used to tokenize real-world assets.

[Source: Cointelegraph] ✩✩✩✩

6. Major Crypto Laundering Business Uncovered in Spain

Europol has announced the arrest of eight individuals in Spain who allegedly have ties to a criminal organization that is involved in cryptocurrency laundering services,

[Source: BTCManager] ✩✩✩

7. Top Canadian Law Firms Collaborate to Explore the Benefits of Blockchain in the Legal Industry

Law-focused blockchain startup OpenLaw announced on May 7, 2019, that six of Canada’s leading law companies — in partnership with blockchain consultancy firm GenesisB — will develop an “innovative smart legal template” on the Ethereum blockchain. Notably, the project will be built over OpenLaw’s smart-contract platform.

[Source: BTCManager] ✩✩✩✩

8. Swiss Post Partners With Blockchain Startup on Temperature Monitoring Shipments Solution

Switzerland’s national postal service Swiss Post has cooperated with blockchain firm Modum to further develop a temperature monitoring solution for shipments. The news was reported by Swiss logistics news site Die Post on May 7.

[Source: Cointelegraph] ✩✩✩

9. ethereum Co-Founder Says Tether, Bitfinex Mess Won’t Get Better

The turmoil surrounding Tether and Bitfinex, both of which are ensnared by allegations of wrongdoing, isn’t likely to subside, said Joseph Lubin, a co-founder of Ethereum and founder of crypto-related software company ConsenSys.

[Source: Bloomberg] ✩✩✩


10. Litecoin Foundation Partners With Hotel Booking Platform Travala.com

On Thursday (May 9), Travala.com (“Travala”), a leading crypto-friendly accommodation booking platform that has its own blockchain-powered ecosystem, announced a strategic partnership with the Litecoin Foundation to help drive the mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies for making payments.

[Source: Cryptoglobe] ✩✩✩

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