Published in
4 min readNov 27, 2018

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

  1. National Swiss Railway Operator Completes Pilot of Blockchain ID Management System

The national railway company of Switzerland has completed a proof of concept (PoC) of a “self-sovereign” blockchain-based identity management system, according to a press release shared with Cointelegraph.

[Source: Cointelegraph] ✩✩✩✩

2. Russia’s NSD, Sberbank and MTS complete blockchain-based commercial bond transaction

The National Settlement Depository (NSD), Russia’s central securities depository; Sberbank, the country’s largest bank; and telecom giant MTS, have announced the results of commercial bond placement using blockchain.

[Source: Tokenpost] ✩✩✩✩

3. Bahrain Finance Training Institute Launches ‘Blockchain Academy’

The Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance (BIBF) is launching what it claims to be the country’s first “Blockchain Academy,” according to an announcement published Nov. 26.

[Source: Cointelegraph] ✩✩✩✩

4. Pay Taxes With Bitcoin? Ohio Says Sure

Ohio appears set to become the first state to accept bitcoin for tax bills, a show of support for a technology that has garnered lots of hype but failed to gain traction as a form of payment.

[Source: Wallstreetjournal] ✩✩✩✩


A recent vulnerability in the Ethereum network could have reportedly allowed hackers to gain massive profits from cryptocurrency exchanges which haven’t set up a Gas usage limit.

[Source: Bitcoinist] ✩✩✩✩

6. Winter Is Coming To Norway: No More Electricity Subsidies For Crypto Mining Starting 2019

Under an approved proposal from the Norwegian Tax Administration, Norway’s tax collection agency, cryptocurrency miners will no longer qualify for a discounted electricity tax rate. The proposed change, included in the state budget, will take effect January 2019, according to a November 23 report from the International Business Times.

[Source: ETHnews] ✩✩✩

7. Bulgarian Prosecutors Detain Three Hackers Allegedly Involved in $5 Million Crypto Theft

Bulgarian Gendarmerie forces and specialized prosecutors have arrested three hackers allegedly involved in stealing $5 million in crypto, Sofia-based newspaper 24 Chasa reports Monday, Nov. 26.

[Source: Cointelegraph] ✩✩

8. XRP Nears Longest Stretch as World’s Second-Largest Cryptocurrency

On Nov. 15, the market capitalization of XRP, a cryptocurrency long connected to San Francisco blockchain startup Ripple, reached $19.39 billion, enough to establish it as the world’s second largest cryptocurrency after overtaking ether (ETH), long the market’s reigning number two asset.

[Source: Coindesk] ✩✩✩

9. eToro Senior Analyst Calls XRP a ‘Unique Asset’, Says ‘XRP Is Winning at Social Media’

On Monday (26 November 2018), Mati Greenspan (@MatiGreenspan on Twitter), a Senior Market Analyst at eToro, one of the world’s leading social trading/investing platforms, announced the results of a poll (conducted on Twitter last week), which asked people to vote for their favorite cryptocurrency.

[Source: Cryptoglobe] ✩✩✩


10. Paraguay to Become Home to World’s Largest Mining Farm

The Paraguay government and South Korean-based Blockchain Technology Foundation have agreed to build a mining farm that will become the largest crypto mining center in the world.

[Source: Cryptovest] ✩✩✩

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