Published in
4 min readDec 5, 2018

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

  1. $35 Million: Sequoia, Baidu Back Turing Award Winner’s Blockchain Project

Announced Tuesday, the Conflux Foundation is registered in Singapore and will use the proceeds to fuel work on its network. Backers include venture capital firms Sequoia China and Baidu Ventures, crypto mining firm F2Pool and exchange Huobi, as well as Metastable and IMO Ventures.

[Source: Coindesk] ✩✩✩✩✩

2. Signature Bank Wins New York Approval for ‘Real-Time’ Blockchain Payments

New York-based Signature Bank is launching a digital payments platform built on a blockchain architecture to streamline real-time payments.

[Source: Coindesk] ✩✩✩✩

3. Fidelity, Nasdaq Ventures invest in cryptocurrency exchange ErisX

Earlier this week, rumors emerged that Nasdaq, a securities exchange considered only second to the New York Stock Exchange [NYSE] will launch futures contracts for Bitcoin [BTC]. This has now been confirmed by the Vice President of Nasdaq’s media team, who has stated that the contracts will be listed and launched in the first half of next year.

[Source: Channelnewsasia] ✩✩✩✩✩

4. Ethfinex and Bitfinex list all six major stablecoins

Ethfinex and Bitfinex both recently listed all the six major stablecoins. Those users who use Ethfinex Trustless will be able to trade these six stablecoins directly from their private wallet immediately after enough liquidity has developed. This kind of trading has never been experimented in the industry before.

[Source: Bcfocus] ✩✩✩✩

5. Ripple, NEM, Fetch.AI, and EMURGO/Cardano Launch ‘Blockchain for Europe’ Association

Four leading blockchain companies including Ripple, NEM, Fetch.AI, and EMURGO/Cardano have come together to establish the “Blockchain for Europe” association, which will act as a representative for blockchain organizations in Europe. The association will help in providing a unified voice for the industry at a European level.

[Source: Blokt] ✩✩✩

6. ETCDev Shuts Down Due to Financial Woes

Reality is starting to bite even in the space of virtual currencies. The Ethereum Classic (ETC) project might lose its key development firm, ETCDev, which officially announced the decision to cease its activities after it had failed to raise the funding necessary for its further operations.

[Source: Cryptovest] ✩✩✩

7. Japan Forces Crypto Exchanges to Provide Information on Clients

In an effort to prevent tax evasion on income from digital assets, Japan is looking to enact measures that would force cryptocurrency traders to ‘tell on’ their clients. According to The Mainichi, the government of Japan is seeking to empower the National Tax Agency (NTA) to demand crypto exchanges to provide information on traders and investors who have been suspected of evasion.

[Source: Cryptovest] ✩✩✩

8. Bitcoin Mining Difficulty Sees Sharpest Decline in 7 Years

Bitcoin mining difficulty was adjusted downwards 15.13% on 3 December 2018, the sharpest percentage decrease in difficulty since November 2011, and by far the biggest downward adjustment in difficulty by magnitude. This follows a 7.39% downward adjustment on 16 November.

[Source: Bitcoinnews] ✩✩✩

9. TRON Nearly Triples Ethereum’s Transaction Number and More Announced in TRON’s Weekly Report

Tron, one of the most actively followed blockchain protocols published its 46th weekly report of 2018 on Dec. 3rd, where the blockchain protocol brought to light what it had achieved during the previous week.

[Source: Blokt] ✩✩✩

10. Binance to Launch Its Own Blockchain ‘Binance Chain’ in ‘Coming Months’

The new Binance-backed blockchain aims to provide a basis for creating new cryptocurrencies and Initial Coin Offering (ICO) tokens, as the company said in the tweet: “Binance is pushing for blockchain adoption and doing many things to help advancement of the industry. E.g. we will have the Binance chain ready in the coming months, on which millions of projects can easily issue tokens.”

[Source: Cointelegraph] ✩✩✩✩

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